World Challenge 2017

About World Challenge
World Challenge started back in 1985 when a young army captain took a team of soldiers overseas on a training mission in the remote Hindu Kush range. It wasn’t long before he realised that the personal development and camaraderie learned there would shape them all for years to come.
Whether it is finding perspective, overcoming or gaining confidence, World Challenge builds the life skills young people need to live a life of courage, kindness and adventure.
Today, World Challenge proudly travel to over 40 destinations with over 8000 students every year.
The Kilbreda World Challenge experience started back in 2009. There have been 4 expeditions since then. The process takes 18 months from the time you commit to fundraising to the time you leave Australia. All students are encouraged to get a part time job to pay for their own World Challenge experience. We spent many sessions with a World Challenge leader talking about the countries of Vietnam and Cambodia; planning food menus; learning how to budget; understanding how and what to pack and then putting some of these skills into practice on our practice hike in Gembrook. The girls participated in 3 group fundraising activities: 1 Bunnings BBQ; 1 Tasman Meats BBQ and a Trivia Night at Kilbreda where we raised over $8,000.
We raised about $13,000 in total. This money was divided between the 2 groups that travelled overseas. Each group decided how they wanted to spend their money: some of this money was spent on “rest & relaxation” activities. However, a large percentage of this money was donated to the community engagement project in Vinh Long. This money paid for new items for the Dung’s new family home, a new bike for the young son and money to cover all medical expenses for one year. Both groups then donated money towards the build for another house in the same area. The girls gained a lot from this experience. Even though we did not see the finished house whilst we were there we could see how happy the family were each day when we left. They were extremely appreciative.
There are 3 components to the World Challenge: Community Engagement, The Trek and the Rest & Relaxation phases in both Countries.
The Trip
25 November 2017 was departure day for 29 students from Year 10 and 11; four teachers and two World Challenge leaders. There was much excitement at the airport and on the plane!
We arrived in Ho Chi Minh City and the groups had connecting flights to either Siem Reap or Hoi An. Our group started in Siem Reap. The highlight on night one was the Tuk Tuk ride from the airport to our accommodation. People everywhere, motorbikes everywhere, crazy drivers, hanging onto our bags for dear life and the excitement of what lay ahead.
Sunrise at Angkor Wat was spectacular. The many markets we visited had the students shopping for bargains. Another highlight was the delicious lunch we had at 'Daughters Café' where all proceeds from this café went to supporting young girls saved from the trafficking trade.
The Trekking phase at Kampong Speu was not as challenging as we all expected. We walked approximately 12kms over three days through rice paddies, sugar palm plantations, bamboo forests and small villages. The highlight was swimming in the Tnort River to cool off.
In Phnom Penh we visited S21 which was a former school that became an integral institution of the Khmer Rouge regime from 1975 – 1978. We spoke to one of the four children who survived this period and his talk was very insightful. Our tour guide was extremely knowledgeable and made us all realise how tragic this was for all Cambodians.
In Vietnam we stayed in Ho Chi Minh City which was a crazy place. We have never seen so many motorbikes! We even ate out one evening and had our meals delivered on the back of a motorbike.
Another highlight was definitely the project in Vinh Long. We helped build a house for the Dung Family. The girls enjoyed the challenge of digging trenches, laying bricks, making cement, making steel framework to support the walls, cleaning tools and working together as a team to complete each phase of the new house. Each group donated some of their fundraising money to purchase new goods for the house, a new bike for the young boy, a digger for the youngest child and a donation towards future projects in Vinh Long. We also bought Mrs Dung and her daughter-in-law some flowers which made them both very teary.
We had a couple of overnight train rides up the coast to Hoi An where the girls enjoyed some of their rest and relaxation time shopping, swimming in the pool, snorkeling and making Vietnamese lanterns.
An amazing experience had by all!
Maree Clark
World Challenge Teacher Leader