From our Chairperson

From The Chair
Members of the Network Committee have delighted in welcoming many past pupils to Kilbreda during this first half of 2018. Reunions have been held for the Classes of 2017, 1998 and 1988, with the classes of 2008 and 1962 having set their dates for later in the year. As for previous reunion groups, for many it was their first visit to Kilbreda since their student days. Reconnecting with former class mates, trips down memory lane and visiting former learning spaces as well as viewing the newer buildings and facilities of Kilbreda have been highlights for all. However, climbing the Tower is the ultimate experience of these events.
Recently we have had a request from Terry Ahearn from the Prep Class of 1959 to host a reunion for this group during 2019 to celebrate 60 years on from Prep. We have very few people from this class on our database and are attempting to connect with them. A notice related to this can be found on the Upcoming Reunions page.
By now many people will have received information related to our Major Event for 2018, a Cocktail Party to celebrate 100 Years of Kilbreda Past Pupils’ Association. Further details regarding this event are in this Newsletter. We look forward to meeting up with many of you. The interest to date indicates it will be well attended.
Also in this Newsletter you will find information about Kilbreda’s Past Pupils of Distinction program. Following on from our highly successful inaugural program and Dinner, we are now launching the 2019 round of nominations. I encourage you to seriously consider nominating a student whose life after Kilbreda you would like to put forward for recognition.
The committee welcomes Christy Ditchburn as its newest member. Christy is also a member of the Kilbreda Stewardship Council and as such represents us on the Council. We wish our committee member Kylie Montesanti nee Oliver a speedy and full recovery from illness and look forward to her return to Kilbreda and the committee.
The Past Pupils’ iNewsletter, “Tower Talk”, is produced twice a year. To ensure you receive your copy please update your contact details, particularly your email address on
Past Pupils’ Network Committee members:
Carolyn Callaghan, Maree Clark nee Norman, Christy Ditchburn, Suzanne Grima, Denise Leonard nee Morrissey, Kylie Montesanti nee Oliver, Pam Mornane nee Burke, Ashleigh Patogiannis nee Keyes, Damian Smith, Peta Wragg
Denise Leonard (née Morrissey)
Chair Kilbreda Past Pupils’ Network Committee