Classroom News

A visit from Bunnings Activity Co-ordinator
In week 1, Josephine Renshaw from Bunnings, and Debra Christensen from Yates worked with The Environment Group and students from Room 10 to replant our 5 raised garden beds with various healthy fruit and vegetable plants.
Bunnings had already donated various tools to the school and this time Josephine brought with her plants and mulch. Debra brought with her a seed raising bed, watering cans, and seeds that classes can use to grow carrots and lettuces.
Josephine taught all the kids about how to plant fruit and vegetables and when they would be ready to eat. She provided tips and tricks on how to know when the soil is right. This included adding nutrients to the soil, such as the Dynamic Lifter that we used on the day.
One additional feature is the potato garden that is going to grow next to the raised garden vegetable near the playground.
It was a fantastic afternoon, with great hands on learning. We are looking forward to having some fresh vegetables that we can pick and cook.
Written by Nick, Willis and Mr Bowden
Room 3
This term many of the students have been very interested in snails. As a class, we decided that we might look after a couple of snails in our classroom tank. We have spent some time researching ‘what we know about snails?’ and ‘what we would like to know about snails?’. We have also researched ‘how to look after snails?’, as we want to make sure we take really good care of them. The students have learnt all about the different body part of a snail and what are some of the things they like to eat. This has been a great experience for the students and has helped them to understand the importance of caring for living things.
Room 30
Last week, in Visual Arts we learnt how to draw portraits. This was so that we could learn and practice how to draw our mother’s faces for Mother’s Day. At first, we thought drawing faces was very challenging and many of us felt that we couldn’t do it. We learnt about the techniques and where the main parts of the face should go, and had some practice. Afterwards, we tried drawing our Mother’s faces onto white card. Then we outlined it in black crayon. After that, we used watercolour paints to paint the portrait and stuck it onto card once it dried. We learnt that when you find something difficult, that you have to keep trying and practising and that you can be successful when you put your mind to it. They look great in the end and we are sure our mums loved them!
Room 20 & Room 26
This year Room 20 have been working with a year 6/7 class (room 26) on a 3D printing project. The 3D printing design process is part of a project that both classes teachers have been working on. Each fortnight we have been using 3D software (Makers Empire) to design various 3D objects. The software has allowed all of the students the opportunity to test out their design skills and develop their ability to design using specific criteria. Our latest design was a personalised key ring with each child's initials. We can't wait for the 3D printers to be installed in a few weeks time so we can print and critique our designs.