Achievement Awards  

At our assemblies some students receive special awards. This is recognition of their achievements as identified by members of staff. Congratulations to the following students.


Room 3 - Jack - For always being a responsible class member

Room 3 - Aggie - For always showing respect and being a kind member of the class

Room 4 - Charlie - For showing persistence in all areas of her learning

Room 4 - Jasper - For being respectful and kind towards others

Room 5 - Fletcher - For being persistent in literacy and writing

Room 5 - Tatum - For always being a kind and respectful class member

Room 5A - Jackson - For always being kind and respectful to his peers

Room 5A - Cassady - For being persistent in learning her sight words

Room 10 - Amber - For taking responsibility in becoming an independent learner

Room 10 - Cooper - For increasing his levels of persistence in all learning areas

Room 11 - Erin - For taking responsibility in being an independent learner

Room 11 - Jordan - For outstanding effort and persistence in science

Room 13 - Rosie - For showing a high level of persistence with her learning

Room 13 - Thomas - For always being kind and respectful to his peers

Room 14 - Joey - For showing perseverance and commitment towards his learning

Room 14 - Zara - For always showing respect and being a kind member of the class

Room 16 - Ruby - For showing persistence in maths

Room 16 - James - For showing persistence in his writing

Room 17 - Dash - For working so hard in Spelling STAR

Room 17 - Matilda - For always being a kind and respectful class member

Room 19 - Eden - For being respectful to her peers

Room 19 - Caleb - For being a responsible learning

Room 20 - Jack - For working hard to become a more responsible class member

Room 20 - Cayla - For always showing respect to others and being a good role model

Room 22 - Elsie - For demonstrating persistence and responsibility in coming to school

Room 22 - Samuel - For demonstrating persistence and hard work in Mathematics

Room 23 - Sunny - For demonstrating persistence in all areas of the curriculum

Room 23 - Sydney - For always demonstrating responsibility in the classroom

Room 26 - Charlotte - For always being highly respectful to all class members

Room 26 - Tyson - For persistence and hard work in all areas of his learning

Room 27 - Ethan - For persisting with all work and challenging himself to work to the best of his ability

Room 27 - Billie - For demonstrating persistence with all of her tasks, particularly her science activities

Room 29 - Joshua - For taking responsibility with regular home reading

Room 29 - Annie - For taking responsibility with regular home reading

Room 30 - Emma - For showing persistence in Maths and striving to achieve her best

Room 30 - Mitchell - For consistently demonstrating kindness and respect to all peers and teachers

Room 31 - Finlay - For showing a more persistent attitude to his school work

Room 31 - Lily - For always showing persistence in her school work

Room 32 - Brylee - For always being highly respectful to all class members

Room 32 - Jaquelle - For demonstrating persistence and hard work in Mathematics

Room 33 - Murphy - For demonstrating persistence and a determination in Work Study

Room 33 - Charlotte - For always being kind and respectful to her peers


Indonesian - Room 27 - For persistence and hard work with their learning


HASS - Room - Room 29 - For displaying enthusiasm and respect when investigating the biography of Lieutenant Thomas Currie Derrick


OSHC AWARD - Asher - Room 22

Principal’s Attendance Award

Tyson E – Room 26