News From the Principal

Dear Families,
I would like to congratulate all our Year 3, 5 & 7 students on their efforts in the NAPLaN testing last week.
We know that this can be a stressful time but all students seemed to cope well and did their best.
I would also like to thank all those students throughout the school that showed great respect for fellow students by moving throughout the school quietly and being considerate of others.
Final reminder for payment – Canberra, Arbury Park & R - 3 Swimming
Please note that the final day for payments for the above activities are:
Canberra – Friday 26th May
Swimming – Friday 26th May
Arbury Park Camp – Friday 9th June
Thank you for your support.
Defence Force Families
Largs Bay School has a number of children whose families are involved in our Defence Forces.
We have access to a number of supports for these families through Government agencies.
However, we have no way of collecting data or information in relation to how many families are involved. As such, we are asking that if you are involved in any of the Australian Defence Forces, could you please contact the front office and pass this information on to the school.
Thank you for your support.
Important !!!!! Parking
It has been brought to my attention by a number of concerned parents the issue of dropping off and picking up of students.
There have been a number of potentially dangerous situations in the streets immediately surrounding the school, in particular Centre Street. I ask that all adults observe the signage and do not park in areas that are not designated parking zones.
I understand that it can be very busy at the beginning and end of a school day but it is not worth putting children’s safety at risk for the sake of a 5 minute walk.
Our local Council has been notified and will be in regular attendance over coming weeks.
Thank you for your on-going support.
Reconciliation Week
Week 5 is Reconciliation Week and the theme for this year is “Let’s Take The Next Steps”.
National Reconciliation Week celebrates and builds on the respectful relationships shared by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and other Australians. It is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures and achievements and to explore how each of us can join the national reconciliation journey. Framed by two significant anniversaries - the 1967 referendum (27th May), this year marks the 5oth anniversary and the 1992 Mabo decision (3rd June), this year marks the 25th anniversary– the week reminds us that great achievements take courage and persistence. It is also preceded by National Sorry Day on 26th May (a day of significance to commemorate the history of forcible removal and it’s effects). The week reminds us that big changes take persistence and courage, so let’s celebrate together and take the next steps.
There will be numerous activities throughout the week and our Week 6 assembly will culminate in a whole school song.
Term 2 Interviews
Interviews this Term will occur in Weeks 9 & 10. They will be 3-way discussions using an on-line booking system. Information in regards to this will be sent home in the next few weeks. Bookings can be made between the 16th to 23rd June
The interviews are an opportune time to gain valuable feedback about your child as we approach the half way mark of the year. There will be the opportunity to book interview times with other teachers including our NIT specialist teachers. All reports will be distributed at interviews. We look forward to seeing all parents/caregivers attend interviews over the 1 ½ weeks.
Pupil Free Day
A reminder that our next Pupil Free day is Tuesday 13th June . The Monday prior is a Public holiday and so students will not return to school until Wednesday 14th June. All staff will be attending a workshop to continue our work on the implementation of a whole school spelling program. Please note that our OSHC service will be open if enough numbers are reached on the Pupil Free Day. Please contact OSHC if interested.
Vacation Care
A reminder that our July Vacation Care program will be released soon.
Once again, it is a very exciting program with both excursions and in-house activities during the 2 weeks.
Please book early to avoid disappointment.
Reading with your Child
At Largs Bay, we place an enormous emphasis on reading and we know the importance of working with you, our families.
If we continue to work together, our children can achieve extraordinary results.
You can assist your child with his/her reading at home by:
- Listening to them read every night.
- Praising them regularly as they read.
- Reading the title. Pointing out the author’s name.
- Occasionally stopping your child and asking them some questions about the text. It is important that the questions make the child think critically about the text. Talk to them about what might happen in the story.
- Ask them what words make sense when he/she becomes stuck on a word. Encourage them to have a go and read on to get the overall meaning.
- When they get to a tricky word, get them to check the pictures, think about the story, sound out the word or have a guess.
- If they make a mistake during reading, don’t interrupt them, allow time for self-correction.
If you have any questions, or if you can give up a few minutes a day to support in-class reading, please talk to your classroom teacher.
Regards Mike