Faith & Wellbeing


Dear Parents and Families,



Wellbeing Wednesdays began this week with Yoga Jackie here all day. The students and staff have had a wonderful time stretching and being mindful together. Stay tuned as there may even be an opportunity for parents and kids yoga session after school in the coming weeks. Don’t forget that all students will need to wear their sports uniform on Wednesdays until the end of term.

 A huge thank-you to Ann Nicola who has made individual eye pillows for all students. These will be used during Yoga and mindfulness sessions during the day in all classes. Ann has individually made each one with a cover and packaged them also with each student name so students only use their own eye pillow. 




Year 2-6 Life Skills Program

Year 2-6 will also be having a mindfulness in action and tools for transition program on Wednesdays from week 4 with Marisa from Life Skills. Please see below the timetable for this program.  Please see below overviews of each program, so parents can talk to their children about what skills they have learnt. 


Tools for Transition Year 5 and 6 Overview

Mindfulness in Action Year 5 and 6 Overview

Mindfulness in Action Year 3 and 4 Overview

Mindfulness in Action Year 2 Overview


Sunsmart Policy Renewal

Recently our Sunsmart Policy and membership was renewed which marked 25 years of our membership! Our new policy states “The sun protection times are a forecast from the Bureau of Meteorology for the time of day UV levels are forecast to reach 3 or higher. At these levels, sun protection is recommended for all skin types. In Victoria, UV levels regularly reach 3 or higher from mid-August to the end of April.”  Therefore all students will be required to bring their hats to school from mid August. Staff will be checking our school website which had the UV index rating on it to ensure if it goes higher than 3 students and staff will be asked to wear their hats.  A sign that the sun maybe shining more soon!


Last week I received an email from St Johns in regards to a competition for a defibrillator and some first aid kits. If you have a few spare minutes I would be very grateful if parents could please fill out the entry form to go in the running for the prizes.

It would be terrific if we could win the defibrillator worth over $3000. 


Social and Emotional Wellbeing Survey

This week students will be completing a survey during class time on social and emotional wellbeing. This survey is run through the same company who completes our PAT testing each October and is completely anonymous. 


Mrs Georgia McNamara

Student Wellbeing Leader


St James Feast Day

What a wonderful way to end a school week, gathering together as a school community to celebrate the feast of St James. With Year 6 leading the Mass, all students creating a piece of Art to decorate the Pop-Up Church and the presentation of SRC badges.


Holy Eucharist Preparation Day

On Friday the 19th of July, students making their Holy Eucharist engaged in a number of activities in preparation for making the sacrament. A Very big thank you to the parents for organising a beautiful lunch for the students.



Holy Eucharist

We congratulate all our students that have received the sacrament/blessing of the Holy Eucharist over the past 2 weekends. It has been wonderful to share these special memories with you and we look forward to celebrating with our final group this Saturday night.



Confirmation (Year 6)

4th September - Confirmation Parent Information Night at St Joan of Arc, 7:30pm

1st November - Confirmation Reflection Day

14th November - Confirmation Mass at St Joan of Arc, 7pm


If you have any questions regarding dates or the Sacramental Program please do not hesitate to contact myself or your classroom teacher.


Yours in faith,

Emma Herbert

Religious Education Leader


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