Year 4 Stop Motion
Year 4s have been creating stop motion animations during Media Arts. First we needed ideas! We created stories with a beginning, middle (problem) and an end (solution). Our stories needed to be very simple as our animations were going to be 15 seconds long. We moved through the various filming jobs of Development, Pre production, Production, Post production and Publishing.
We represented ourselves and our friends within our school as a setting turning ourselves into superheroes if we wanted to and could even include flying rainbow dolphin unicorns!.
Using the Stop Motion App and iMovie we created our stories and added our sound effects, learning about techniques like setting 10 frames per second, setting up our equipment and how to show what time of day it was by adding things like the school bell or the sun in the sky.
Here are some of our creations!
The Rainbow Dolphin
We are sitting in maths when suddenly a rainbow dolphin flies in to take us across the road to Coles to get skittles! The dolphin brings us back to class and flies away.
Friendship and Donuts
We are playing at school when suddenly it begins to rain donuts! Luckily we are able to eat out and continue playing.
Yogurt theft foiled
While heading out of school, one student is looking forward to eating his delicious yogurt when suddenly another student boldly steals it! Luckily Batman was nearby and was able to save the day again!
Super Running Power
The boys are running a race and losing. Suddenly a shiny crystal gives them fast running power! But the power was for running in reverse! Luckily they discovered if they turned a ran backwards they would actually go forwards! They go on to come second in the race.
The Story of Tadjery
In Term 3, Year 4s were very lucky to see Uncle Ian Hunter, a local Aboriginal Elder perform a local Aboriginal Story telling the story of how the Southern Cross came to be. We were also visited a few times by a local digital artist who taught us about making characters and backgrounds for stop motion animations. We all worked together to animate this story as told by Uncle Ian Hunter. This was an amazing experience for our students who were captivated by the story and completely engaged with the animation process.