Year 2
SANE INCURSION: Forces and Pneumatics Prototype
On Tuesday 4th of December the SANE students taught us about Forces and we learnt a new word called ‘Pneumatics’. We discovered this word means ‘movement through air pressure’.
Alex, the SANE teacher organised a video conference from the Middle Years Campus. We sat in front of the new interactive television which is in the Early Years staffroom. We received a phone call and when we answered, we saw Alex and the SANE students. They showed us a power point presentation about Forces and Pneumatics. They then showed us their Pneumatics Prototype they had made in their SANE class. Some of the examples were a haunted house, a soccer pitch, a basketball stadium and a rocket.
Alex and the SANE students asked us to think about and design our very own prototype. We came up with some great ideas!
Next we had to get into groups of 2 or 3 and draw and label our design. We also had to think about the materials we were going to use to create our prototype. Lastly, we had think about what part on our design we wanted to make move, using force.
To make sure we were able to correctly build our designs, the SANE students came down to the Early Years Campus to help us. We collected the materials we needed and constructed our prototype. During this process we had to keep checking our design to make sure our prototype would work. The SANE students helped us to attach the syringe and the tubing to our prototype to help it to create air pressure! We had to test our prototype to make sure our moving part worked.
We were so grateful to have the SANE students and Alex come down to the Year 2 space to help us!
The next day we got to share our prototypes with the Year 1s. We shared our knowledge about Pneumatics. We had a great time doing this!
“My favourite part was designing my plan” –Gloria
“My favourite part was constructing my prototype”- Adriana
“My favourite part was when we tested our prototype to see if it worked”- Curtis
“My favourite part was making the ball land in the cup”- John
“My favourite part was sharing my prototype with the Year 1s”- Prabhjeet
“My favourite part was when my friends are I were working together as a group”-Harshu