Wellbeing and Welfare
Friday 23rd November was White Ribbon Day which is a campaign to stop violence against women in Australia. According to data from the Whittlesea Council this is sadly a concern with in our school community.
The aim of White Ribbon is to stop violence against women before it happens. This is called primary prevention and it is where the work of White Ribbon Australia is focused.
What is primary prevention? Prevention and response to violence can be classified in a number of ways, for example: Primary prevention action is implemented before violence against women occurs and aims to stop the likelihood of men and boys using violence against women and girls. This prevention action does this by addressing the root causes of violence. The White Ribbon social movement and programs focus on primary prevention.
White Ribbon Vision
A nation that respects women, in which every woman lives in safety, free from all forms of men’s abuse.
White Ribbon Purpose
Engaging men to make women’s safety a man’s issue too.
White Ribbon Values
White Ribbon are committed to the following values and bring these to bear in all facets of what they do:
- Courage: in facing challenges and finding creative and innovative solutions
- Integrity: ethical, honest and accountable to all
- Respect: compassionate, honouring and acknowledging difference and upholding dignity
- Collaboration: working collaboratively to drive positive social change
- Leadership: leaders in driving lasting, positive, normative change
Let change the story: Violence against women in Australia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fLUVWZvVZXw&t=1s