Arts/Tech News

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The Violent Outburst That Drew Me to You

On Thursday 9 May, the Year 9 Theatre Studies class went to see ‘The Violent Outburst That Drew Me to You’ at Southbank Theatre. We all caught the train in the morning, and arrived at the city with some time to spare. After having our lunch and some snacks, we headed off to the theatre, which was a short walk from Flinders Street Station.


The play discussed the concepts of toxic masculinity, as well including the issues that many teenagers experience growing up. The play was based around the protagonist, Connor, whose anger drove a wedge between his relationship with his parents and those around him. Thus, Connor’s parents decided to send him to the forest to fend for himself and live in pure isolation until he had calmed down. There however, he meets another misfit named Lottie and the pair soon ventured together.


Throughout the play, we were all intrigued by the numerous acting strategies that had been used to add depth and emotion to the script. This included the various forms of lighting and the clever use of props on stage to further engage with the audience. To top it all off, not only was the play able to express its true message, it also got us all laughing at all the jokes! Additionally, for a lot of us, it was the first time seeing a play at a theatre. As expected, we all had a really fantastic time and the play was definitely perfect for those of us who had never seen a play before. All the actors and actresses definitely embraced their characters and roles to really bring the production to life.


Watching ‘The Violent Outburst That Drew Me to You’ definitely expanded our knowledge and experience in Theatre Studies, as well as captivated our interests!


Namira Rahman

Year 9

Autumn Music Concert

On 9 May, the Music Department hosted its annual Autumn concert.  Many friends and families came along to enjoy the outstanding talents of our students. Students of a wide range of skill levels got the chance to showcase the hard work they have put into their ensembles over the past term, with Nossal’s newest ensemble – Clarinet Choir, also being featured during the night.


Alongside the amazing performances, our Nossal ensemble and music captains were also presented with their badges. Overall, the night was a great success. We hope to see you all at our Winter Concert!


Marcus Lai

Wind Symphony Captain