
Manuela Watson

Week 4, Term 2, 2020

Dear Parents and Carers,

Welcome to Week Four of remote learning. I hope you are all staying well and managing to get out for a walk when there is a break in the rain. Congratulations to all the parents and students with your continued commitment and great learning during this time of remote learning.  We are enjoying seeing the images you are sending and how you have adapted to your learning space. We are all in this together so its one way we can keep connected.   


Teachers are in constant communication within their year level team and with key curriculum leaders to ensure that we are catering for all students and parents’ needs. We are offering a variety of ways to help your children engage in their learning.  Thank you so much for your commitment and learning you are doing with your children.


Whole School Prayer:

It is encouraging to know that so many of our families have tuned into our Whole School Prayer on Facebook Live the past two Fridays. These videos are still available to watch on our Facebook page, St Fidelis Catholic Primary School Moreland, in case you missed them. It is a great way to stay connected as a community and pray for the rest of the world.


This Friday morning at 9:00am there will be a special Mothers’ Day Whole School Prayer and Father Cartwright will join us to give a special blessing to all mums and special adults in the children’s lives.

The celebration of Mother’s Day is very much embedded in our culture and an opportunity to celebrate and give thanks for the gift of motherhood. For some it is a time to make a particular effort to see or speak with their mother for others it is a time to reflect on and give thanks for their mother no longer physically present.


This weekend we will celebrate Mother’s Day. We will remember the work mothers do and the life and wisdom they share with their families. Let us pray for our mothers and for the generations of mothers before them.


A reminder to email a photo of yourself with your mum or your special adult (if you are able) to your classroom teacher by  tomorrow Tuesday May 5th.





St Fidelis School Review

St Fidelis will undergo a formal School Review Process in Term 3 2020. School reviews occur every four years and has two dimensions: Improvement and Compliance.

Improvement: supports self-reflection and assessment of performance and growth in school improvement across the life of the School Improvement Cycle and informs planning for future growth. Post Review, St Fidelis will work closely with our Regional Learning Consultant to set future improvement agenda, grounded in the schools next School Improvement Plan.

Compliance: an audit/verification process of the Minimum Standards for School Registration and other State and Commonwealth Requirements is also conducted during the process for school review.


The Review is to be conducted by Catholic Education Melbourne using the New School Improvement Framework (SIF) Rubric Review.  Ms Christine Lynch, lead external reviewer and Mrs Sandra Ritchie (Regional Leadership Consultant) from Catholic Education Melbourne will facilitate the review process.

The review focuses on five areas: Religious Education, Learning and Teaching, Leadership and Management, Student Wellbeing and School Community.


I will continue to update you as the staff begin the process of self-reflection and self-assessment during this term.


As Principal, I look forward to the many learning opportunities and successes that will evolve throughout this process.  



Wednesday June 3rd will be a Pupil Free Day. All St Fidelis Staff will be working on the Review process on this day. If we are still remote learning the teachers will have no contact with the children on this day, if we have returned to school the school will be closed to students on this day.



If you know of any families in your neighbourhood that have children commencing school in 2021, can you encourage them to give me a call, particularly if they are uncertain of which  Primary School to send their child. I am more than happy to answer any of their questions.Thank you for your support with this as the best form of advertising is verbal recommendations.(Word Of Mouth)


School Fees:

We are still accepting School Fees if you would like to come in person to school, however many families have asked for bank details for direct debit. I have included the bank details for your ease of payment:


CDF (Catholic Development Fund)

BSB:                        083 347

ACCOUNT :           65 603 6380

REF:                        Child's name Fee Account Number

ACCOUNT TO:     St Fidelis Primary School


Please note once you have made a payment can you email Ann Russo

annr@sfmoreland.catholic.edu.au with the amount you have deposited


Enjoy your week
