Senior School Sport and

Co-curricular Activities

  • ISA Winter Sport 2020
  • Chess

ISA Winter Sport 2020

In the spirit of keeping you all as well informed as the College is in these uncertain times we felt the community would welcome any information we can give you on Winter Sport.


The ISA Chair, John Collier, has recently written to the ISA Schools on a number of matters.    

An excerpt which relates to the winter season is below:

‘Our ISA Board have reserved a decision for the moment on the commencement of our regular ISA winter season.  As the timing of this is quite some way off yet (for a while), we can afford to wait on events, which indeed may overtake us and set any decision we otherwise make at naught.  In the meantime, we encourage schools to undertake what training is possible, given the best advice on social distancing.  Certainly, students remaining fit is a protection to some degree against later injury.’ 


ISA will proceed with its planning for the winter season so that when (and possibly if) the season does go ahead, we are ready.   Draws will be flexible (something the ISA is very good at!) and more information will be given on how these may work as it becomes available.


A few things to note:

  • We need to be ready to get students back to normal (or as normal as possible) daily routines – not to mention physical activity.  Calendars will become even more cluttered so it is unlikely events will be rescheduled.  ISA Representative trials (at this point in time) will follow the normal nomination process with deadlines moving according to the progress of the season start dates. This will at least give our students the opportunity for selection and recognition at the ISA level. Teams may be 'merit teams' as and where no pathway exists to higher honours.
  • The flexible draws will look at various start date options.  Of course, these will not be set in stone but give us some direction in the event we get the go-ahead. 


The published start date for Winter Sport is 2 May.  This is highly unlikely.  Therefore, a number of options are being considered by the ISA Board:

  1. Option 1 would look at starting the season on 30 May.  Games may be either competition or friendlies;
  2. Option 2 - depending on circumstances, this may be pushed back until after the long weekend – 13 June;
  3. Option 3 - if things are still not safe, our draws will also cope with a Term 3 competition, 5 weeks with semis and finals or some adaptation of this.    

We will be given around a months notice for the commencement of competition.  The deadline for notice of a 30 May start therefore is around 27 April.  If sport does not start then, we move to the next fall-back date.


As you can see, we are doing everything within our power to provide a Winter Sport season for the boys. We will keep you up to date with any changes as they occur.


In the mean time please encourage your sons to maintain and develop fitness levels to the best of their ability, observing Government advice, so that when the Starters gun goes we are ready to run!!

Mr Matt Stearn - Senior School Sports Master


The Sydney Academy of Chess who provides the coaching staff for Chess training, are transitioning to online learning. Your son can expect to receive an email from Sydney Academy, that will outline how they can interact online to access the pre-recorded lessons. The company also hopes to be able to set up “Chess Squads" within their normal groups and organise mini tournaments for students to participate in. If your son does not receive an email or problems arise, please make direct contact with Sydney Academy of Chess:

(02) 9745 1170 Office

(02) 9745 1176 Fax

0421 224 772 Mobile

Ms Denise Ramsey and Ms Janelle Dempsey - Chess Convenors