Pastoral Care

Harmony Day

  • Harmony Day and National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence
  • Student Attendance to Online Learning
  • Student Online learning Routines, Well-being and Exercise
  • Talking to students about COVID-19 and their continued learning
  • Counselling Team

Student Well-being Anecdotes from the Diary

" Appreciation is a wonderful thing.  It makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well." Voltaire

"What are the five most important values in your life? 

Write them down and live by them."  

Harmony Day and National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence

Last Friday we held a meaningful Assembly over the PA at which Mercy Vice Captain Sofie Tobin (Jack, Year 12’s twin sister) joined our College leaders and Year 11 Student Wellbeing Empowerment Team in leading a prayer for Harmony and an interview promoting Harmony and Action Against Bullying and Violence in our community. Sofie eloquently pointed out that Harmony is enhanced by empathetic and respectful behaviours, which are sensitive to the needs of others and particularly those who are most vulnerable in our society.

The Harmony Day and Aboriginal Touchstone Banners which were painted by our Cultural and Wellbeing prefects: Louis Wellard, Daniel Halverson, Oliver Lenehan, Harrison Wallace, Daniel Fileman, and Will Oner, supported by our Art Department and classes, provided a great back drop to the day and will get another run at Reconciliation Day and/or NAIDOC week.

Thanks go to Mrs Manga and the Language Department who coordinated the Year 5 – 6 Harmony Chains and decorations, Ms McCarthy’s Year 11 student team which prepared the event, and the Maintenance Team. Unfortunately, the lunchtime band and ice blocks will have to wait for another occasion, but the overriding message was clear: St Pius X College Stands Up For Harmonious Respectful Relationships, Against Violence and Bullying, and For Reconciliation with All First Nations Peoples.

Student Attendance to Online Learning

Thank you to all those parents who have been communicating to when their son is unable to be at school to complete his learning over recent weeks despite all the competing concerns.

In the Online Learning Environment this process is to continue so that we can effectively track student learning. Pastoral Care Staff will ask students to check in, be it on Microsoft TEAMS or CANVAS, and likewise students will demonstrate their attendance through online responses or exercises completed for their class teacher in each subject. Where a student is unable to attend the Online Learning Environment on any given day, please email to provide a reason for absence, be it sickness or other concerns. 

Our Counselling Team will continue to support our students’ wellbeing and can be contacted as per the email addresses and times below. Alternatively you may contact Mr Sean Brannan

Student Online Learning Routines Well-being and Exercise

There is much information currently regarding making a positive adjustment to Online Learning and Protective measures for health and wellbeing.

The best advice advocates for individuals to get up early, or at least normally, as per your routine, make your bed well, maintain your routine of having breakfast and moving to your workspace. 

During the working / learning day intersperse screen time with regular breaks and exercises which both elevates the heart rate and endorphins. Find ways to engage with people and things around you, albeit respecting social distancing, and engage with meaning and purpose in what you are doing.

Talking to students about COVID-19 and their continued learning

Following the Headspace link provided last week, information can be obtained from:

NSW Government webpage - Education


School TV - Dr Michael Carr-Gregg


REACH offer the following links:

And Therapy Works - reflecting on all the things we have and haven't cancelled lately:

Please remember:

Conversations will not be cancelled

Relationships will not be cancelled

Love will not be cancelled

Songs will not be cancelled

Reading will not be cancelled

Self care will not be cancelled

Hope will not be cancelled


Long after our sons and students forget what work they did over this period in their lives, they will remember the time they spent with you, their families.  And how they shared your resilience and company to overcome the adversity faced together.  So challenge them to learn, but also to listen to their human needs for your support and company.

God bless us all at this time

Fide et Labore

Mr Sean Brannan - Assistant Principal Pastoral Care and Well being

Counselling Team 

The Counselling Team is available to provide confidential emotional and social support and guidance for your son and family throughout the year.  The College Counselling team consists of:


Mr Rick Russo

Counsellor (Full time Monday to Friday) working with students across all year groups.


Direct Phone:  9414-4359


Ms Joe McCarthy

Psychologist (2 days per week:  Tuesday and Thursday) working with students across all year groups.


Direct Phone:  9414-4322


Mrs Judy Gill

Psychologist (2 days per week:  Wednesday and Friday) working with student across all year groups.


Direct Phone:  9414-4315