
Did you know we subscribe to Wordflyers?
Wordflyers is a comprehensive online literacy program for students in year 7 – 10. WordFlyers has just the right balance of study and fun!
Students complete interactive literacy activities that are differentiated for each individual student to earn points that can be redeemed for travel-related rewards. The international travel theme, as well as the competitive nature of the rewards, encourage students to complete the units and improve their writing and reading skills.
As well as the texts and lessons, WordFlyers has layers of rewards including quizzes, immediate feedback on student learning and opportunities for social interaction to promote student engagement with content and activities. The resource also includes NAPLAN-style questions based on each text or lesson unit that provides further feedback for both teachers and students on their learning achievements.
The best part is that teachers and students can select a path a study, based upon the needs of the student. For example, if punctuation is an area of weakness, then a student may choose to complete and earn point that focus in on this. It caters for students at all levels and is pitched at just the right level. Students from the AES stream will be challenged with more complex texts, while students that need extra support will work through appropriate levels.
How can we use it?
By now each student from years 7 – 10 should have received their login and password from their English teacher. You should find this glued into the front of their exercise book. This enables the students to log on at any time or any place on their BYOD (Bring your own device) or school laptops. The program will save their progress and students will pick up from wherever they left off.
What do we do with it?
Students should use this program regularly to complement their work at school. Each class will spend at least one lesson a fortnight working on this with their teacher and some classes may be allocated a task as part of their homework. We encourage students to bring their own device on the days where a Wordflyers lesson is allocated as well as a set of ear buds. Whenever your child says they have no homework, they can spend 10 minutes working through an activity on here!