House News-


Ashleigh Fraraccio- Leonis House Leader

It is hard to believe we are already half-way through Term 3 for another year.


This week we celebrated the achievements of Semester 1. I would like to acknowledge the following Leonis students who were recognised for their Academic and Co-Curricular successes.


Premier’s Reading Challenge:  Najia Nekzad LE3, Priyam Sharma LE1 and 

Samira Yaquiby LE3.


NAPLAN- Exceeding Expectations:

 Ralph Buela LE4- Reading, Ayuri Mora LE5- Reading, Irene John LE6- Numeracy and Jacob Wilberforce LE5- Reading and Numeracy.

 Spotlight on learning-


Year 8 Thrift Shop Fashion Parade:  Able John LE5 (modelling above) and Isabelle Jewell LE1.  SIS Debating:  Priyam Sharma LE1


Academic Awards for Semester 1:  Noorullane Ali LE2, Leon Gallina LE5, Mayumdi Gamagedara LE6, Tiara Sok LE2, Jacob Wilberforce LE5, Emma Jorissen LE2, Quratullane Ali LE3, Sean Pascual LE3, Prithis Bhattacharyya LE2, Hannah Micallef LE5.


There are still plenty of opportunities for students to get involved in this year, including Book Week and SIS Sport. 

Year 9 students will soon start preparing for their Program which will be running later this term.  

All Year 7-11 students should have completed their preferences for subject selection for 2024 by now.


Year 12 students will be working hard to complete their Outcomes for all units of study in preparation for their final classes, assessments and exams.  Now is a good time to reflect on the progress you have made so far this year, reassess your goals and set some new SMART goals to work towards in the final months of this year.