Principal's Report 

Tim Hogan

Helping Our Lasallian Neighbours:

One of our fundraising projects throughout the year connects us with St Solomon's, a Lasallian Primary School in Multan, Pakistan. Through a variety of fundraising initiatives and our annual "Make a Difference" Campaign, we were able to make a donation of $1,000 to St Solomon’s. This contribution will go a long way towards purchasing a laptop and printer for the school administration, as the school currently lacks both these essential items.

Our fundraising projects provide an opportunity to educate our students about the responsibilities of social justice within our community. We not only educate our students about important societal matters, but also nurture values of fairness, compassion and responsibility in them. This stems from our Catholic faith and its core teachings rooted in the Gospel message of compassion, love and the dignity of every human being. It is our hope that this preparation equips our young people to be informed, engaged and socially conscious individuals who will be inspired to make positive contributions to a just and equitable society.

Well Springs For Women​ – Voice to Parliament:

On Wednesday of this week, the Hospitality Team in conjunction with Wellsprings for Women catered a dinner in our Graduates' Restaurant to outline the rationale behind the Constitutional Referendum Proposal for the Voice to Parliament. Guest speakers included Karinda Taylor CEO of First Peoples Health & Wellbeing and Ms Gabrielle Williams, the Minister for Treaty and First peoples and the local member for Dandenong.

 I thank our Hospitality Team led by Mr Kees Vander Laan, Mr  Almery, Ms Hall, Ms Haider and all the VET Students for putting on a wonderful display of food and culture for over 50 guests.


College Assembly - Celebration of Excellence:

It was wonderful to celebrate the remarkable achievements of our students from Semester 1 with many parents at last Monday's Assembly for Excellence. Throughout this past semester, their dedication, hard work and passion have allowed them to perform at a high level. They have not only overcome challenges but also surpassed their own expectations, embodying our school motto “courage reaches for the Stars.” From academic successes that reflect their commitment to learning, to creative accomplishments that showcase their talents, it was inspiring to see a range of different perspectives on learning and creativity presented at the Assembly. Their journey of personal development is a testament to their character and the support they receive from their families. I applaud their achievements, but also express my gratitude to our parents and staff for their encouragement and guidance.

Mass of the Assumption:

Our whole school community will stop next Tuesday to celebrate the feast of the Assumption with Auxiliary Bishop Tony Ireland in the Br Leo Scollen Stadium. 

As Catholics we celebrate the Mass of the Assumption to honour the belief that the Virgin Mary was taken, body and soul, into heaven at the end of her earthly life. This significant feast emphasises Mary's unique role in Christian theology and her close connection to Jesus Christ. This celebration not only highlights Mary's spiritual significance but also serves as a reminder of the hope for eternal life that all believers share through Christ's Resurrection. 

 I thank our Director of Faith and Mission, Mr Rhynehart, and Bishop Tony in anticipation of what will be a celebration of Mary’s commitment to her faith.Acting Principal:

I will be taking some enrichment leave from the 1 September until October 4. In my absence, Deputy Principal of Student Wellbeing, Mr Greg Van Es, will be the Acting Principal and Mr Nigel Adkin will take on the responsibilities of the Deputy Principal of Student Wellbeing. In my time away I am looking forward to participating in a pilgrimage to Fatima and Lourdes and the opportunity to walk in the footsteps of our founder St John Baptise de la Salle.


 I welcome back staff members Ms Melissah Jeffree and Mrs Amanda Gengaroli from long service leave and Mr Paddy O’Connell from World Youth Day. I am sure they have many wonderful stories to share in the coming weeks.

I also advise that staff members Mrs Sonia McNally and Mrs Jo Green will be on Long Service leave for the next three weeks.  ​

SIS - Book in A Day:

Our SIS Book in a Day team were involved in a creative writing workshop on Thursday of this week. Under the supervision of Staff members Ms Sue Keel and Miss Hava Klajn our team outlined below were able to write, edit and compile a book within the span of a single day. 

During the day our students were given a specific theme to base their book on. 

They then worked together to brainstorm ideas, write chapters, proofread and edit, design cover artwork and compile the content into a finished book by the end of the day. It is a big day but the benefits also include an opportunity for our students to develop teamwork, time management and creative thinking skills which are all important in their future pathways.

 I congratulate our team of students: Abel Abraham , Chloe Alvis, Emma Jorissen, Juan Wani​, Lynn Cho Man Yan​, Michaela Ganiquem-Puspus​, Srishakthi Aravindan​ and Zachary Iwin​ for representing St John’s with great pride and passion. Well Done.


School Choir ​visit to Chestnut Gardens Aged Care:

Under the direction of Choirmaster Mr Michael Almery our choir visited the Chestnut Gardens Aged care home to perform several songs for an enthusiastic audience. The school choir is going from strength to strength, and I strongly encourage other students to consider joining the school choir as it offers a myriad of benefits that go beyond music. 

When students perform in the choir, they not only refine their vocal talents but also cultivate teamwork, discipline and self-expression.


 In addition, the choir provides a supportive community where individuals can develop their musical skills and build lasting friendships. 

If your child would like to participate, they should contact Mr Almery on the following email. 


Student Free Day – August 18:

Friday 18 August will be a student free day to allow staff to attend a Spirituality Day. Spiritual formation days like these have an important purpose for teachers in a Catholic school in ensuring a growing understanding of Catholic values and religious teaching. 

This process not only upholds the school's Catholic identity but also supports the journey of moral and spiritual growth of our students while empowering teachers to embody their vocation with purpose and dedication.