Maths is Fun

A successful start to the Bebras Computational Thinking Challenge for students in grades 3-6!


Round 2 of the Bebras Challenge will be held soon between 21st August – 9th September.

Some examples of Bebras Computational Thinking Challenge questions:


Our Maths Olympians have been working hard focusing on their problem solving strategies. Working collaboratively and using manipulatives always helps us visualise tricky problems!



The Maths Explorers have also been challenging their problem solving thinking skills. Once again, the problem solving strategy 'Using Concrete Materials' helps reveal information that may not be obvious just by reading the problem.


Have a go at this matchstick problem:


I am using matches to make a pattern. So far, I have made this pattern of three squares. I have 37 matches in total. How many squares can I have in my pattern if I just keep adding more squares on the right hand side? Can you find a pattern?