Family Educator's Corner

Mrs Elena Razzoli

‘Lord Jesus, Your love knows no bounds. 

Give me strength when I am weak, hope when I am discouraged, peace when I am troubled, consolation when I am sad, and understanding when I am perplexed. 

Make me an instrument of Your love and peace to all those around me. 

Thank you for Your unconditional love and for being with us always. Thank you for the many blessings You give us daily. Amen."


Dear Families


It was great to hear that, despite the work and other commitments, all families had a beautiful school break and enjoyed the gorgeous weather. Thank-you!


Thank-you to all the Parents (+ an older sibling) who had expressed their interest in volunteering at St Merkorious charity and came to help preparing 300 hot lunches for the homeless of Parramatta on Monday last week. Thank-you for donating your time and gifts to help some of the many people in need.


Thank you to all the Year 4 Students for being so reverent and mature when they got to spend 15 minutes in Adoration in front of the Blessed  Sacrament this week.


It was wonderful to see so many Kindy Families at the 100 days of Kindy celebrations this past Monday. Thank you to the exceptional Kindy teachers and to the whole leadership team for organising and running such a beautiful, joy-filled celebration!


Saint Stories for Kids 

Here is a free podcast with beautiful Saint stories that you might like to listen to (in the car, or at home) with your children. Please note: I would suggest NOT letting your younger kids listen to Episode 135 (St Anthony of Padua) as that is more suitable for older children.

Family Masses this Term

  • K-2 Family Mass: Sunday 13 August at 10am at St Martha’s Catholic Church, followed by morning tea;
  • 3-6 Family Mass: Sunday 10 September at 10am at St Martha’s Catholic Church, followed by morning tea.

Save the Date - Mary MacKillop Pilgrimage

Wednesday 8 November 2023: All Parents, Carers, Grandparents and Preschoolers are warmly invited to a Day Pilgrimage to St Mary MacKillop Place in North Sydney. 

Novena for All Priests

On Friday 4 August we celebrate St John Mary Vianney, Patron of Parish Priests, if you’d like to pray a Novena for all priests (starting today) and ending on St John Vianney’s Feast Day, please email me  at and I will email you the daily reminders.

Prayer Intentions

If your family has any prayer requests, please don’t hesitate to email me at at any time. If you’d like to, your prayer intentions can also be placed in our next school newsletter and the whole St Martha’s community can pray for your intentions.


Wishing you all a beautiful weekend

Mrs Elena Razzoli

Family Educator