A Message from the Principal
Mrs Carolyn Parsell
A Message from the Principal
Mrs Carolyn Parsell
Dear Parents and Carers,
Thank-you for all those who completed the Tell Them From Me Survey this year.
The results have been very useful in reflecting on the school's performance and we have had some great suggestions and ideas for improvement. Some of the ideas were shared by parents and staff and had been acted on before we even got the results of the survey. This Term we have implemented online ordering and payment for lunch orders through FlexiSchools. We will continue to work with the canteen to refine the menu to suit the needs of our students. During the holidays we had the painters in to give most of the school a refresh. The office, admin areas toilets and classrooms are looking fresh and clean with a more modern colour scheme. The details of the survey results will be shared with parents at the next Parents and Friends Meeting to be held on August 23rd before school.
We have enjoyed a lovely start to Term 3. Kindergarten's celebration of their first 100 days of school was a lovely opportunity for parents to see how much their children have learned in the first semester. It was delightful to see the joy on the faces of the children as they performed a song about their 100 days of school. Many thanks to all those parents who were able to join us for the celebration.
Next week we will celebrate our St Martha's Feast Day with Mass, open classrooms and a picnic lunch sausage sizzle. Please do come along to pray with us, visit your child's classroom and join in the picnic and playtime. We look forward to sharing this special occasion with you.
Our Book Week Book Parade will be held on Wednesday 23rd August from 8:45 to 9:30am, straight after the Parents and Friends Meeting. I look forward to seeing lots of parents at the meeting and many wonderful costumes in the parade. Our theme for Book Week 2023 is Read, Grow, Inspire.
At the end of last term I attended a special meeting with the Traffic and Safety Team from Strathfield Council. We need to remember how important it is to observe all road rules and safety expectations around the school during those crucial drop off and pick up times. Please remember that the safety of our students and families is our number one priority. Your help in always being aware of travelling slowly and safely around the school roads is greatly appreciated. Please do not ever double park as this is a huge safety risk. Please ensure that you hold children's hands when crossing roads and only drop children in safe areas where they can walk safely to school.
Peace and best wishes
Carolyn Parsell