Principal's Report

Jason Bek

Welcome to the end of term 3


We have had a very busy term 3 this year so as you can imagine both students and staff are running out of energy right about now! 

It’s been a great term where staff and students have worked together to achieve some great things, including our RU OK Day celebrations, camps and excursions. There are many examples of student achievement at PLSC but the most important things is the way that staff and students treat one and another every day.  There is a real culture building of mutual respect and care for others. 

It was also wonderful to have so many of our students attend “Hang back to Hang out” last week. Thanks to Rach Villani who drove it and our staff who supported her, out of the goodness of their heart.  I know the students loved the popcorn especially and we will have our Year 12 Graduation coming up in term 4 which is a highlight for our school community. 


Rewarding good behaviours 

This year our focus has been on improving our attendance. To support this, we have introduced the AAA awards (Triple A).

This stands for Attitude, Attendance and Achievement. We present tasty truck vouchers weekly and larger prizes at the end of the term for those students who attend regularly, do their work and do their best at all times. This has been very popular and much sought after by the students. 


Interim reports

Our staff are currently completing some interim reports on how your child’s learning is progressing. Please take the time to go through it with them and call us if you feel you need help with putting plans in place to get them back on track or keep them on track, we are here to help.


The Ministers Visit 

We recently had a visit from the Minister for Education, Natalie Hutchins, to formerly open the building on behalf of DET. My sincere thanks for the way we all presented ourselves at short notice, our students, staff and the community are our best ambassadors for the school – we have nominated a date for a community opening early in term 4 where our school community can enjoy a more participative approach and involve people a bit more broadly - this will be on the 17th of October.


Building program 

Thanks to Colleen and school council we have been able to work with the VSBA and the department to get a car park as well as adequate electronic signage for both Robert St and High St. 

The storage shed has commenced with construction fences going up and a slab laid. The construction of the shed to begin this week.


The new staff carpark and electronic signage on Robert Street and High Street will finish our school off nicely.

Our portable buildings should be installed early term 4 and finalised/ fitted out and then the final landscaping finished off as well.


Planning for 2024

Planning is well and truly underway with school tours, information evening and visits from surrounding schools conducted during the term.

We have put indicative numbers for 2024 on the system as the same as for this year but it is a conservative estimate.  We are anticipating strong growth in enrolment numbers again.



Our contract staff have recommitted to the school for next year:

  • Nat Pace – will be administratively transferred from Cranbourne East SC so she will become an ongoing member of staff at PLSC
  • Sian Gregory will remain at PLSC
  • Abbey Grindrod will remain with us at PLSC


I want to wish you all the very best for the September holidays


Carn the Pies!