Principal's News

Dear Parents and Carers,

    During the most recent holidays I was very fortunate to get away for a week to far north Queensland. The warmth is now a distant memory but very much appreciated. One of the days I spent on a tour of the Daintree on a mini bus that included a cruise along one river looking for crocodiles and then a visit to another river for a swim. (Important not to mix these rivers up!).

The mini bus dropped the passengers off at their accommodation afterwards and our guide called to one family group “And make sure you guys go out for tea in one of our fantastic restaurants” Mum and Dad looked at her sheepishly and told her that they couldn't BECAUSE THE SIX AND EIGHT YEAR OLD DIDN’T WANT TO GO!!!

I was one of the last 2 passengers left on the bus and the guide said to us, “Oh the poor things”. I was less sympathetic. I pointed out to our guide that these kids were pretty lucky to be taken on such a holiday and that they should probably be happy to go along with Mum and Dad’s plans every now and then on such a trip.

Gee I felt old.

But it’s true isn’t it? Our children NEED us to be the leaders in our family. Kids are just not qualified to be in charge…yet. Their turn will come.

Our children need us to be the leaders because we love them and we know that sometimes they may have to do unpleasant or difficult things in order that we benefit so much more later on. Unpleasant things like homework, or not giving up when that would be easier in the short term, or eating our vegetables or by doing chores around the house to learn the value of money.


Being a parent is very important and sometimes difficult work. Work that is sometimes thankless, work that is often complex and very imprecise. 

But it is important work. 

Work that not one parent that has ever lived has done perfectly. How reassuring is that? NO ONE has ever done it perfectly.

The crucial thing is that we all do our best and that we love our kids unconditionally, sometimes in the easy, cuddly way but sometimes in the tough way that we know will pay off in 10-20 years.


THINK U KNOW We are very grateful to Senior Constables Stepahine Ward and Darren Busfield who last week presented the “Think U Know” program to all of the students, staff and parents who were able to make it.

The program aims to provide resources for parents, carers, educators and police to raise awareness and deliver education about preventing online child sexual exploitation.

Parents are encouraged to have a look through the resources and continue to talk to their children about their online activities. Following is a link to these same resources:  Think U Know


FIRST COMMUNION AND CONFIRMATION  There were 28 children from our Parish who were presented to the St Mary’s congregation last weekend as being candidates for the Sacraments of Confirmation and First Communion. We wish all of these children and their families the very best as they prepare for the Sacraments to be held on August 12 & 13.


GRADE 5 CAMP This week our Grade 5 classes are at Sovereign Hill in Ballarat on camp. The children have been studying this part of Australia’s history and the camp is an excellent experience to consolidate a lot of this learning.

Campers will return tomorrow, in time for the normal dismissal from school.


SCHOOL CLOSURE DAY Could all parents please note that our school will be closed on Friday August 11th in order that staff undergo further training.