Early Childhood News

This weekend, the Vatican celebrated ‘World Grandparent’s Day’. ‘World Grandparent’s Day’ celebrates the special role grandparents play in our life.  


Beyond babysitting and family gatherings, grandparents play an important role in shaping the lives of children. 


Grandparents are known for their unwavering love and affection. Their nurturing presence creates a safe and secure environment for children, where they feel cherished and valued. This emotional support builds a strong foundation for the child's self-esteem and emotional resilience, allowing them to explore the world with confidence.


Grandparents help pass down family traditions, stories, and values. Through these interactions, children develop a sense of belonging and understanding of their cultural heritage. Grandparents act as storytellers, passing down wisdom from generation to generation, creating a bridge that connects the past to our children's future.


The relationships between children and their grandparents foster intergenerational bonding, breaking down barriers of age and providing unique perspectives. Children who spend time with grandparents develop exceptional social skills, as they learn to communicate and interact with individuals from different age groups. This exposure to diverse perspectives nurtures empathy, respect, and patience within our children, making them more compassionate and understanding individuals.