From the Principal's Desk...

Dear Parents and Carers


It is great to have everyone back at St Helena's to start what promises to be an action packed Term 3! We welcomed 13 new students across the school to start the term, and their families. I know that they will all love being at SHCPS as much as we all do!


Congratulations to all the students who had their First Reconciliation in our Parish yesterday evening. Thank you Ms Conama, Mrs Bukara, Miss Myles and Mr Vine for preparing the students for their First Reconciliation. I heard it was a wonderful celebration of the Sacrament.


Our Interschool Cross Country team were great yesterday! Well done to all our students who represented St Helena's. Thanks Mrs Hesse for your efforts in preparing the students and to the staff and parent helpers and spectators on the day, and Mr Watt for assisting in setting up our new SHCPS tents that the P&F so kindly funded. Our students looked great in their new Interschool tops that were kindly funded by our P&F too!

All the best to our Liturgical Dance students who will be performing in the Catholic Performing Arts Festival next Monday. Thank you Mrs Bukara for preparing the students and to all who have assisted along the way. 


Please take the time to relook at our calendar to keep up to date with everything going on this term at St Helena's. Click herefor the link to the Parent Hub where you will find the calendar on our website. There are many dates to save, but don't forget to save in particular, Tuesday 5 September as we have our SHCPS Learning Journey afternoon/evening, promoting all our classrooms, specialist classes and art exhibition. More information to follow as the term progresses. We also have our St Helena's Feast Day celebrations coming up on Friday 18 August. All our families and friends are welcome to come along to our Feast Day Mass at 11:15am on this day too.


Unfortunately, I have ruptured my achilles over the weekend and will be away from St Helena's on leave for a period of time (yet to be confirmed how long). I hope to make a speedy recovery so that I can get back to SHCPS. In my absence Miss Melissa Myles will be the Short-Term Acting Principal. 


Keep in your prayers all the Year 6 students and students in the Parish preparing for their Sacrament of Confirmation towards the end of the term.



Peace & Happy Days!


Santino Giancono
