Welcome back to Term Three. We hope everyone had a fantastic break with family and friends over the holidays.
After returning from holidays staff, students and parents would have noticed that work on our buildings and landscaping continued over the break. The new door to our General Office has now been commissioned. The area where A-wing used to stand has now been sown with grass seed and this is starting to come through. This whole area provides a fantastic new welcome to our school and entrance to our General Office. The staff car parking area has also been expanded, and the parent pick-up loop has been slightly re-aligned. We thank parents for their co-operation with adjusting to this new path.
Our preliminary NAPLAN results for 2023 arrived earlier this week. As a school, our results continue to improve every year. When compared to ‘similar schools’ (schools across Victoria of a similar size and demographic), Korumburra Secondary College has, on average, 5% more students in the top two categories of performance in each of the NAPLAN testing areas. This is a fantastic result for our school and a credit to the hard work of our students, their families, as well as our tremendously dedicated teaching staff.
Late last term we also received the preliminary results from the Student Attitudes to School Survey that was completed by all students earlier in Term Two. Again, we saw some tremendous results with these. When considering the percentage of students who gave a ‘favourable’ response, some of the highlights included ‘Stimulating Learning in class’ (increase by 6%), ‘Teacher effort’ (increase by 5%), ‘Learner confidence’ (increase by 6%), ‘Resilience’ (increase by 5%), ‘Self Regulating and Goal Setting’ (increase by 6%), ‘Student Voice and Agency’ (increase by 4%) and ‘Advocate a School’ (increase by 4%). These results are currently being shared with students through Year Level Assemblies, with students working with their mentors to celebrate what is going well for their Year Level, as well as setting whole year level goals and action plans to continue this great improvement. Staff are also working through these as part of our ongoing cycle of reflection.
Finally, well done to all students on their work in their Student 360s earlier this week. We know from education research that Metacognition (planning, monitoring and reflecting on learning), Student Agency (tracking and measuring learning growth) and Intellectual Engagement (becoming intrinsically motivated learners) are amongst the most powerful learning strategies available. On Tuesday this week we saw these from every student from every year level. Well done!