A Message from the Principal

School Climate Survey

An important component of our school improvement processes is the Bi-Annual School Climate Survey. We will be collecting information to help us make informed decisions about how we can improve our school. The aim of this process is to build and maintain a positive school climate in which your child/children will flourish.  To help us in our efforts, we will be inviting you to respond to the Parent and Caregiver Survey (PaCS), developed at Curtin University. Your response will provide us with the information and foundational focus points that we will use in planning our school improvement efforts. To protect your confidentiality, the PaCS is completely anonymous, there are no names attached to the data and there is no way for us to access your individual response. All responses go directly to NSI, where the results are analysed and aggregated into feedback reports. NSI is bound by a Code of Ethics and follows strict professional conduct. Use of the data NSI will aggregate all responses and provide us with a comprehensive feedback report. 

The survey period will run from Monday 7 August until Friday 18 August. We will provide parents/caregivers with information on how to access and complete the survey. We encourage you to complete the survey. 


Parent Code of Conduct 

As we continue to foster a positive and supportive environment for all members of our community, it is essential to address an important aspect that often goes overlooked - the conduct of  parents/caregivers. Our community thrives when everyone, including parents, adheres to the Code of Conduct (Salvado Code of Conduct) which promotes respect, inclusivity, and collaboration. 


Why Parental Conduct Matters

Parents/caregivers play a crucial role in shaping the environment in which our children grow and learn. Interactions, both online and offline, directly impact the well-being of the community as a whole. By upholding a high standard of behaviour, parents model positive values and attitudes for their children, leading to a ripple effect of positive behaviour among our learners.


Setting Expectations

As a community, we believe that setting clear expectations for parental conduct is fundamental to maintain a nurturing and respectful atmosphere. Our Code of Conduct serves as a guide for all members, including parents/caregivers, and outlines the following expectations:

  • Respectful Communication: We encourage parents to communicate respectfully with teachers, staff, and other parents. 
  • Positive Role Models: Parents are encouraged to be positive role models for their children by demonstrating empathy, understanding, and kindness in their interactions.
  • Inclusivity: Embracing diversity and inclusivity is vital. We expect parents to engage with others in a manner that values and celebrates different backgrounds, cultures, and experiences.
  • Supporting Learning: Encouraging a positive attitude towards learning and supporting their child's education journey is crucial for fostering a strong learning community.

Addressing Code of Conduct Violations

If a parent's/caregiver's behaviour is perceived to be in violation of the Code of Conduct, we encourage fellow parents/caregivers or community members to report this conduct via the form on our website which is available here.


Promoting Parental Engagement

To foster positive relationships between parents/caregivers and the community, we actively encourage parental/caregiver engagement. Regular meetings and community events provide opportunities for parents/caregivers to connect, with the College. Working together, we can create an inclusive environment where every child feels valued and supported.

As we navigate the joys and challenges of parenthood, it is vital to remember that we are all responsible for shaping the community in which our children learn and grow. By adhering to the Code of Conduct which promotes respect, empathy, and collaboration, we can ensure a positive and nurturing environment for all.


Thank you for your ongoing commitment to our community's well-being. Together, we can continue to provide a safe and enriching space for our children to thrive


Peace & Goodness to all,

Ian Hagen
