Community Corner

Mat Shark Jiu-Jitsu @ Forrestdale

Learning Jiu-Jitsu can help to build confidence, develop a positive attitude and inculcate discipline in your everyday life. Contact Ryan from Mat Shark Jiu-Jitsu Academy today at 

0447 837 208.

A Webinar for Parents

It's not too late to sign up for this webinar with Michelle Mitchell and Lael Stone.


If you’ve recently found yourself saying, “Why are we still negotiating about this?” this webinar is for you.


Most kids, regardless of their age, are master negotiators!  Their single minded, intentional drive can be difficult for parents to match, especially if we don’t upskill as they grow.


Click on the image to sign up for the Webinar.



Parenting Across Cultures

For parents and carers of children 0-18 years.

Did you grow up outside of Australia and are now raising children inside Australia?


Meet with other parents in similar situations and share ideas about how we navigate this change whilst still preserving our family’s culture.


The event is on 16 August, and places are limited and bookings are essential. Click on this link to reserve your spot.


Visit or call 9394 5125.



Youth Drop-ins @ Briggs Park Pavilion (Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale)

Youth Drop-ins at the Briggs Park Pavilion are back!


Drop-ins will run Mondays to Wednesdays, between 3:00pm and 5:30pm. All high-school aged young people are welcome. Come and join us for games and make new friends. We hope to see you there.


Saver Plus

Saver Plus is a free online community money skills program funded by ANZ and the Australian Government, and delivered by The Smith Family in WA:

·         helping people to hit their savings goals,

·         develop life-long savings habits, and

·         receive up to $500 in matched savings from ANZ to assist with school expenses.

Eligibility criteria applies.


Better Health Program


Serpentine Jarrahdale Garden Competition

The SJ Garden Competition is returning in 2023.  Why not start preparing your garden now? Nominations open 23 May 2023 and close 8 September 2023, with judging taking place in September. 


The SJ Garden Competition aims to recognise the great gardens we have within our Shire including suburban, rural and native gardens.


The competition is for front gardens only (the area between the residence and the road, with an emphasis on inclusion of the verge in the overall design).  Presence of a street tree will be favourably considered.


Winners of each category will receive a prize in the form of a voucher worth $200 to a local garden centre.  


For more information about the Competition, please visit the website by clicking on the hypertext.