Student Wellbeing

“If we are bearers of gratitude, the world itself will become better, even if only a little bit, but that is enough to transmit hope”. Pope Francis


What is Gratitude?

Gratitude is much more than just a word. It is a sense of appreciation that goes far beyond one simple word.

Studies have shown that practising gratitude can improve our wellbeing, increase happiness and foster improved and flourishing relationships with each other.  


At Salvado Catholic College, we have many reasons to be grateful, appreciative and blessed. At times, life can be so busy that we forget to stop and show our appreciation, even though we may have the thought in our mind to do it.


In the coming weeks, we are giving our College community the opportunity to show their gratitude to our staff, either individual or as a collective. In the front office on Mrs Atwell’s desk you will find a Gratitude Jar with paper and pen for you to write a gratitude note and then place it in the jar. You can be confident knowing that these messages will be given to the person/s they are written for.



I would like to show my gratitude to Miss Sierra Ostle and Mrs Mel D’urso for their enthusiasm and help as we begin our Gratitude Journey together at SCC.


Have a happy week everyone and remember to take time to show your gratitude! 

Mrs Kerry Browne

Student Wellbeing Coordinator