
The College sends its congratulations and well wishes to the amazing efforts of our students in sport in term 3 so far. 


Congratulations to Ellie, Charlotte and Isabelle for the outstanding Cross Country Season culminating in qualifying for Team Vic in National Cross Country Championships and we send the girls and their families the best of wishes as they prepare to compete for Team Vic Cross Country Championships in Canberra on 25th August. Achieving such quality in their performances in running is only possible through tireless hours of training in all weather conditions and hours of the day; such commitment is enviable.


As the Interschool Netball comes to a close, well done to all students and staff involved with Girls and Boys netball. Gisborne Secondary College has again proved itself to be the dominant school in the Division for Netball with the majority of teams qualifying for Region finals and one going even further!


Congratulations to Mr Mills and the Badminton squads with the majority of the Badminton teams that we fielded playing through to Regionals. Unfortunately, the standard in Badminton at Regional championships is quite spectacular and our teams faced a significantly talented competition.


In the coming weeks, we enter the junior and intermediate basketball season with teams being busily prepared for those competitions at Cobblebank Stadium. 


Later in the term will be Division Track and Field with a team of 67 students being assembled in our campaign to win our third Division Track and Field meet.


-Mr Hayward, Sports Coordinator

Isabelle, Ellie & Charlotte
Isabelle, Ellie & Charlotte

On Thursday 13th of July, we had state school cross country which we had 5 students compete.  Isabelle K 3rd, Jackson L 78th, Charlotte J 11th, Ellie K 12th all did 3km and Ben VE 34th did 5km. On the 22nd of July there was an All-Schools cross-country race and it was 4km race for Isabelle K 14th and Charlotte J 9th and a 6km race for Ellie K 14th.  The three of us made it to Nationals as well!! 


On July 17th the senior and intermediate girls netball went to Cobblebank stadium and they won all their games and went on to regionals. On July 25th they went to regionals and the senior girls won all their pool games and they went up against Maribyrnong and lost 10-28 and the intermediate girls won 2 games and lost the last game by 4 goals which they just missed out on getting into finals. July 20th the junior boys and intermediate boys went out to Cobblebank for division netball and the junior boys won all their games and in the final they played Bacchus Marsh and went on to regionals. The intermediate boys didn’t make it as they lost their last game by a narrow margin. The junior boys went to regionals on Aug 3rd and they won all their games including the finals which means they go to states which is an awesome effort by them because it is so hard to make it to states.  

Well done to everyone that participated in these events over the past couple of months!! 


-Ellie K, Sports Captain