
2024 Japan Trip Information Night

There will be an Information Night for the proposed 2024 Japan Trip on Tuesday 22nd August at 6pm in the College library. 


Parents, Carers and Students in Year 8, 9, 10 and 11 are encouraged to attend.


Japanese Model United Nations

On Friday the 28th of July, many Year 12 and Year 11 students who are currently studying Japanese ventured to the Victorian Academy of Teaching and Leadership, located in East Melbourne. We participated in the Japanese Language Model United Nations along with many other Japanese Language students from Melbourne high schools.


Throughout the day, students role-played as United Nation delegates, representing their appointed country through debates and discussions with other countries and their delegates. As the session progressed, students became galvanised and inspired by others, gaining confidence in their Japanese public speaking skills. 


We all learnt very much, both about Japanese public speaking as well as how the United Nations themselves operate in our current modern world. It was a vivifying experience for all, and we all walked away with newly acquired knowledge of Japanese culture and the politics of our world.


-Hattie P, Year 12