Yr 10 Work Experience

In Week 9 of Term 2, our Year 10 students stepped out into the workforce for Work Experience with confidence. Students enthusiastically engaged with professions from hair dressing, videography, furniture building, veterinary science all the way to teaching and administration. The feedback from students is that this experience, whilst daunting was really helpful in confirming what they wanted to be when they graduate Year 12 or even striking a job they weren’t sure of off the list. Similarly, the feedback from our huge range of employers was that all of our students conducted themselves with professionalism, respect and a positive work attitude; all of which is a great reflection of our school values. We are so proud of our students for taking on this opportunity and can’t wait to hear how these experiences have helped them in choosing a pathway they are passionate about. 


-Madeline Duyker, Year 10 Coordinator


My Experience at ACMI 

As part of Year 10, we are required to undertake Work Experience of our choice. We were recommended to choose a Workplace that will provide us skills in the industry we would like to work in. I applied to ACMI and was lucky enough to be selected to be a part of their 2023 Work Experience Program. I had to catch the train every day to the city. ACMI was a fantastic experience because I got to work in a field I really enjoyed and would like to pursue. I got to work with a bunch of people who were knowledgeable in their domain. While working at ACMI we were given the task to create a documentary about an exhibit at ACMI. We used tools like cameras, microphones, tripods, software’s, etc. to create a short film about The Lens used at ACMI. During my time at ACMI I was able to connect with like-minded people and get insight into what it’s like to work in Media and Technology. I highly recommend it. 


-Toby H


My Experience at PB Performance and Health

Hey, my name is Liam and I’m in year 10 and for my work experience I worked with an exercise physiologist named Patrick Blood, his company is called PB Performance + Health. His role is to write up exercise programs for Athletes, rehab programs and bit of a mental aid to physically disabled people. His goal is getting everyone feeling better and have more trust in their bodies. I learned a lot of this area of work and definitely got me thinking of a possible career. I’m very grateful for the opportunity he gave me.


-Liam C


I took my work experience at Marshall’s Engineering in Bacchus Marsh. It was a great experience, and I would recommend it to future students who are interested in engineering. It was difficult to start with as I was working from 8:00am to 4:30pm but after the second day it was straightforward. I went in to work experience thinking that I would just be standing around and watching what everyone else was doing, but to my surprise I got to do a variety of things ranging from welding to folding sheet metal to making orders for costumers. Even though this isn’t the exact type of engineering I am looking to do in the future, I found this fun and challenging and have now gained useful skills that will stay with me forever. 


-Zander V