Principals Report

- Sarah Rose, Principal

Since the last edition of our newsletter, we’ve had a number of big events occur at the College. We’ve held successful Course Advising days to assist families in making their subject preferences for 2024.  It was wonderful to see how well attended these sessions were and our course counsellors came away from the days with extremely positive feedback about the level of engagement with the interviews. Students (of relevant year levels) now have until this Sunday to submit their preferences online – this is one key input to the development of the 2024 College timetable.


On the 22nd July, the Wellbeing Art Show was held at the College which was entirely a student-led event.  You can read more about this later in this edition, but I want to acknowledge the work of Emily D and Zoe P our Year 12 Wellbeing Captains in collaborating to bring their idea to fruition.  I really enjoyed attending the event which gave rise to rich discussions with my own children about various topics.  I also want to thank the college and broader community who supported this event, either by assisting on the day or attending the event and I hope it provoked meaningful conversations in your own households on the very important topic of mental health.


The first shows of our 2023 Production ‘Freaky Friday’ have been held surrounded by feelings of excitement and anticipation.  This is a huge undertaking by our performing arts staff and students and their families, and I can’t wait to see the show myself this weekend. 


You may recall during Term 2 our VCE-VM students ran a fundraising BBQ during National Reconciliation Week with funds raised going to the Exford Primary School Fundraiser. I’m pleased to pass on acknowledgment and thanks for this activity from the Exford Primary School community.


We’ve got more student achievements to celebrate this edition, with a number of students recently receiving their results from the Junior Science Olympiad Training Squad. The squad comprised 54 students from across the nation and three GSC students achieved fantastic results in the exam.  Charlie F of Year 9 achieved a High Distinction (top 10% result), Jack I of Year 10 achieved a Distinction (next top 20%) and Alexander E of Year 7 achieved a Credit (next top 30%).  We’ve also seen great achievements by students in Cross Country and Netball which you can read in detail in the Sports section.  Well done to all!


Finally, I want to extend my thanks to those families that have been able to make voluntary contribution payments to the school this year.  As you would be aware schools provide students with free instruction to fulfil the standard Victorian curriculum.  The ongoing support of families via voluntary contributions is very much appreciated and ensures that our school can offer the best possible education and support for our students.  Some examples of how voluntary contributions have supported our school and its facilities include:

  • An instructional framework developed by the College (LEARN), which includes a strong focus on evidence-based HITS (High Impact Teaching Strategies)
  • Year 7 and VCE Learning Centres
  • A specific Year 9 Program (RAID) designed to lift engagement and develop adult-like responsibilities
  • A three-year Senior School Program that allows all students to accelerate across year levels, and ensures students are better prepared for the challenges of senior school qualifications
  • An extensive VET program, including: Automotive, Active Volunteering, Dance and Building & Construction
  • A strong vocational program including access to School Based Apprenticeship and the HeadStart program
  • A strong careers development and pathway program
  • A double-court gymnasium, in joint use with the Macedon Ranges Shire Council
  • The 216-seat Barcham Theatre housed within the performing arts complex.

This week marks the half-way point for Term 3 already.  I hope you’re all having a productive term and enjoying the sunshine that is giving us a hint that spring is not far away.


Sarah Rose, Principal