Principals Message

Dear parents and carers,

As we look back on Term Two all our students should be so proud of the learning they achieved and of their participation in school events. We are grateful for the support and communication from parents too. Teachers spent hours meeting with some families regarding their children’s progress. Our commitment to every child achieving the best possible outcomes will remain consistent.


This term you will have the really special opportunity to sit and listen to your own child talk about their learning. 


The purpose of the learning conference is to:

  • Celebrate growth in the child’s learning and achievements
  • Provide an opportunity for the child to articulate their learning and learning goals
  • Give parents a chance to engage in their child’s learning
  • Ensure accountability for students, teachers and parents

What a fabulous way to show your support to your child and validate your interest in their learning. Professor John Hattie (University of Auckland) has published a revised list of the most effective influences on student achievement which identifies student self-reporting as THE MOST significant indicator linked to increased student achievement. 


We believe the triangle of the student, the teacher and the parent is a strong model. During the Covid 19 period of remote learning many students benefited from the heightened communication between home and school; they’ve seen a partnership develop between parents and teachers - that compels them to work harder; this is far too valuable to relinquish now. Students who take ownership of their learning will begin to see direct correlation between effort and reward. 


For the model of the 3 way conference to work, all parties must commit to it. If you are a parent who has not been able to attend conferences in the past  I urge you to do so from now on. The children and their teachers will select work samples and will be talking to you about their goals for moving forward. The teachers will be monitoring the conversation and answering questions as well as adding comments. 


I look forward to catching up with you during the Learning Conference sessions.


Kind regards,
