
by Tracey Seach & Laura Della Fortuna

Careers Corner


Term 3 marks the time for families to make some decisions about programs and pathways for the following year. We have now concluded the subject selection process across Years 9-12 (2024) and I would like to sincerely thank all families and students for their commitment to the preparation processes as well as ensuring that data entry dates were met. Thank you also to the staff who were responsible for supporting the process right from administration through to education support and teaching staff. Thank you also to the Principal team for their support along the way with Information Evenings and assistance on each of the course selection days. 


Our Year 8 students completed some targeted Careers activities as part of their Engagement week and were able to identify skills and abilities that they have as individuals and how these can be harnessed in both subject selections and in their future pathway planning.


Our VCE - Vocational Major students in Year 12 have just completed a ‘Job Camp’ where they obtained a variety of qualifications to improve their employability: 


RIIWHS205E Control traffic with stop-slow bat

RIIWHS302E Implement traffic management plans

HLTAID011 Provide First Aid

RIIHAN301E Operate elevating work platform


Huge thank you to Caz Jenkins for organising this opportunity for the students as well as her work in completing the Morrisby profiling for our Year 9 cohort. 


Laura Della Fortuna has been making her way around to Year 12 students with many taking up the opportunity of booking a 1:1 interview and has this week presented on the importance of timely VTAC registration and that career and course opportunities are always posted on Compass for students to access. 


Tracey Seach, Pathways Leader


Digital Skills

Digital skills are part of our daily lives, but some careers require more specialised digital skills. The Digital Skills Organisation reports that demand for digital experts and digitally enabled workers will grow by 47%, leaving us 370,000 workers short by 2026! Occupations requiring expert digital skills include jobs like ICT network and support professionals, business and systems analysts, and programmers. Occupations requiring digitally enabled workers include engineering, legal professionals, sales and marketing, clerical and office support workers, and machine operators. So if you're interested in any of these careers, or you're just curious about the digital skills you may need, check out the free DSO X Year13 Tech Expo and Digiskills Academy, made for young people to learn about skills and jobs of the future.


What Are You Looking For? 

August 21-27 is National Skills Week and this year's theme is 'What are you looking for?' Whether you're looking for work life balance; travel; career pathways; sustainable work; meaningful work; a great team; money; responsibility; exciting work; variety, or something completely different, you can achieve it through VET. VET covers hundreds of different occupations, professions and industries such as trades, aviation, robotics, engineering, nursing, building, horticulture, land management, manufacturing, transport and logistics, business, management, sports and recreation, community services, health, retail, tourism, hospitality, and technology. With qualifications including apprenticeships; traineeship; skills set courses; micro-credentials; diplomas and advanced diplomas, or VET as a pathway to University, VET is an excellent place to start your career. See useful links and events for more National Skills Week info.


VTAC Applications

For year 12s applying for university in 2024, VTAC applications open on July 31st and in preparation VTAC have prepared a range of resources to make the process easier to navigate for students and families. There are also several free webinars available to support you. The Pathways team will continue to work closely with our year 12 students during the VCE program, and through one-on-one meetings.

Tertiary Open Days

Open days are tours, special talks and presentations that universities host to showcase their facilities and educational offerings. They’re your best chance to get a good look at the university before you choose to enrol.

Open days are for everyone, You don’t have to check out the open days on your own, and your parents, guardians or anyone else who might be helpful to take with you are welcome. Here is a comprehensive list of open days.




JMC Songwriting competition

JMC Academy is proud to announce the 2023 songwriting competition for students across New South Wales, ACT, Victoria and Queensland in years 9-12. The aim of the competition is to highlight the talent of high-school songwriters from across the country and to showcase the creativity of young people. Click >here< for more information


Canvas Art Award

JMC is excited to launch the Canvas Award Art Competition for 2023, showcasing the incredible work of young artists and designers who are taking creativity to the next level.Click >here< for more information. 


ATO: Super + you competition

If you’re a student in years 7–12, we want you to unleash your creativity and find a way to tell us about tax and super! Our competition will not only give you an insight into the value of tax and super, but you have the chance to win a share of $13,200 in prizes! Click >here< for more information.