Athletics Day

by Vanessa Leslie



Parkdale’s Athletics Carnival was held at Dolomore Reserve, Mentone on Tuesday 8th August. The day had a festive atmosphere thanks to the active participation of the students in attendance. Along with the traditional track and field events, students participated and enjoyed a range of different activities including face painting, the student band, VM fundraiser BBQ and various novelty events including the egg & spoon and sack races. It was fantastic for staff and students to be able to enjoy the day.


Congratulations to Wurneet House for winning the day narrowly as well as the students below who have been awarded Age Group Champions and broken records.


House Results


Wurneet              1154

Iluka                      1126

Kingston              1081

Livingstone         1034


Age Group Champions


12-13 Years        Kahsia Lockwood

                               Ben Linton

14 Years              Molly Vega

                               Jamie Kotsopoulos

15 Years              Zara Harrap

                               Archer Duke

16 Years              Sophie Cheep

                               Jeremiah Jeanes

17 Years              Storm Hor

                               Sam Stefanec

18-20 Years        Jasmine Reeve 

                               Dylan Gillespie

                               Beau Thorneycroft


Records Broken


15 Year 400m              Archer Duke                 55.19 (2017 record: Lachlan Morison 57.50)

20 Year 400m              Dylan Gillespie            56.81 (2002 record: P. Millar 57.83)

13 Year 800m              Maddeleine Harvey   2:43.17 (2018 record: Holly Neville 2:45.46)

16 Year 800m              Eifion Evans                 2:10.50 (2018 record: Zac White 2:16.39)

20 Year 800m              Jasmine Reeve            2:43.97 (2017 record: Chloe Phillips 2:59.16)

20 Year 800m              Dylan Gillespie            2:07.50 (2006 record: M. Jones 2:15.95)

17 Year Long Jump    Sam Stefanec              6.60m (1998 record: V. Sasman 5.49m)

15 Year Shot Put         Jessica Vuong             8.46m (2022 record: Macy Harding 8.37m)

13 Year Triple Jump   Mitchell Stewart       10.26m (2019 record: Sam Stefanec 9.81m)

14 Year Triple Jump   Jamie Kotsopoulos  10.24m (2019 record: Beau Thorneycroft 10.21m)

16 Year Triple Jump     Jeremiah Jeanes     12.48m (1998 record: W. Hands 11.52m)

17 Year Triple Jump     Sam Stefanec          11.77m (2022 record: Ryan Gillespie 11.68m)



Good luck to all students who have made the Kingston Athletics Team and will be representing the College at the Kingston Athletics Championships at Duncan MacKinnon Reserve on Thursday 24 August.


Vanessa Leslie

Carnivals Coordinator
