Science Camera Investigation

This project started a few weeks ago and with the help of Carlo (Mayra’s dad), Claire put up some cameras to observe possums and other adorable things like lorikeets caring for their child and what seems to be a possum invading the lorikeet’s home. Beforehand, Carlos gave a GPS to each group to locate at least one camera. After we found the cameras we reported back to Carlo and marked down where in the school the cameras were. It was really fun and I hoped that we could do things like that more often.

Aiden 5/6A


Over the last few weeks in SAKG the 5/6s have been looking at photos taken by hidden cameras around the school. These cameras have captures pictures of wild-life both during the day and at night. They have seen pictures of animals such as rainbow lorikeets, ring tale possums. But most exciting of all there are pictures of SUGAR GLIDERS! That is a great achievement and I hope we can do something like this again sometime!

Shola 5/6A


At Montmorency Primary School we’ve been setting up nesting boxes and cameras in the trees around the school to see which animals inhabit our area. Our cameras work by detecting body heat and movement. So far, we’ve seen bush tail possums, rainbow lorikeets and sugar gliders I think that this is a huge achievement and I hope that we can continue to do projects like this and investigate more of the animals around our school.

Tibaud 5/6A


Below are pictures of some of the creatures we have identified. These include the Brushtail Possum, Ringtail Possum, Rainbow Lorikeet and the Sugar Gilder.


What’s been cooking? – Term 3 wrap up

This term Foundation and year 1/2  students enjoyed cooking some tasty things . They explored how to be safe in the kitchen, different flavours and textures of foods, the use of verbs in recipes and special family recipes.


In the first cooking session they made kale and pita chips, which were really easy. This was topped with delicious Parsley Pesto.

Savoury muffins made with pumpkin and kale from our garden were the next big hit.


They explored different flavours and textures when they made salad using only ingredients from the garden.


Lastly they enjoyed talking about some of the favourite recipes that families have when they made my Grandma’s Biscuits.


A big thank you to all of the people who have helped out preparing for cooking classes and during cooking classes. The students get so much more out of the program with the help of you!


If you would like to help out next term look out for the volunteer roster sign up on Compass.


Have a great holiday.                       


