Students of the week

Term 3   

Weeks 9 - 10

Foundation A

Cody M - For your beautiful handwriting and brilliant story writing. You consistently display an excellent understanding of punctuation and spelling and always give your best. You are a champion Cody!


Foundation B

Neive J - You are always so bubbly and full of personality. Every morning you greet your teacher and peers with a great big smile! You have also made some big achievements in your learning, particularly in writing. You are going to achieve great things at Monty with your attitude to learning and respect!


Foundation C

Jaxon A - For your neat writing. I think you eat letters for breakfast because your writing has taken off this term! Your writing is very neat, on the lines and spaced beautifully! What a writing whizz you are. Well done.



Osha W - For your dedication, passion and enthusiasm during the entire Foot Steps Dance program. It has been a delight to observe, not only the effort that you put into your dancing but also to see the enjoyment on your face is truly inspiring. Well Done!



Eli G - Eli consistently shows the value of friendship by being a kind friend and sharing his things with others. Eli respects the ideas of others and always demonstrated whole body listening. Eli also shows the value of learning by working very hard to do his best writing. Keep up the great work Eli :)!



 Finn C - You are always so caring and polite to your peers and teachers. You start each day with a smile and are always willing to include people in your fun and games. Thank you Finn for being such a respectful student. Keep up the brilliant work!



Sarah Z - For being a hard-working, respectful friend in 1/2D. You try your hardest in every work task that you complete, which leads to outstanding results. You are kind and caring to your friends, always helping others. Keep up the amazing work, Sarah!



Navy E - Navy has demonstrated that she is a responsible learner and a kind friend to others. She has enthusiastically engaged with learning tasks and was especially proud to share her learning during the Student Led Conferences. Navy is very empathetic and is sensitive to the emotional needs of others. Keep up the great work, Navy!



Roda C - Roda you have been trying really hard with your writing and making some great progress. We have loved reading your descriptive language that you have included to add more interesting detail.  Well done superstar! 



Emman L - Emman constantly questions the world around him and looks at learning through a creative lens. The combination of these traits, results in a drive to succeed in learning all that he can in any lesson. Well done on a great attitude to learning Emman!



Eve A-B - Eve is a great role model in 3/4C! She is inclusive of others, works well in group tasks and shows respect to our classroom and her peers. Eve takes pride in her work and always tries her best! Keep up the great work, Eve!



Angelique E - For being a hard-working and determined learner. Angelique works especially hard during Big Write sessions where she has set weekly goals and listed the steps she will take to achieve them! Well done Angelique!



Kyan W - Kyan is a friendly and enthusiastic member of our grade, who always demonstrates respect towards his peers and teachers. Well done Kyan - this attitude will get you a long way in life!

Hayley W - For consistently demonstrating all four school values. Hayley is a highly engaged, motivated, caring and compassionate member of our grade. We are all so fortunate to have you with us Hayley - thank you for being such a positive presence in our class!



Nick R - For demonstrating the School value of Learning. Nick has made wonderful progress when using strategies to work out worded maths problems. He is discovering how key words tell us what operation to use. Great stuff Nick!



Mikaela T - For her excellent participation and concentration in Japanese class. She is always using good manners and listens attentively and carefully. Well done, Mikaela!