Learning in M27

Middle School M27 McKinnon is sharing the learning taking place in their class…

The students in M27 have been working extremely hard in all areas this year.   In Numeracy, we have recently been learning about how to explain and compare the geometric properties of three-dimensional objects, which has been really challenging but a lot of fun.   Students were able to create a range of their own three-dimensional shapes and compare faces, vertices and edges.  Some students were even challenged to visualise three-dimensional shapes based on a given net.


In Writing, we have focussed on information reports.  Students have been busily researching influential people from history and are working to include a table of contents, subheadings, visual features with captions and a glossary.  Some of our subjects include Albert Einstein, Genghis Khan, Rosa Parks, Nikola Tesla, Leonardo de Vinci and many more.  Students have focussed on grouping their information into relevant subheadings, using topic sentences and correct punctuation.  The results have been fantastic and students have been genuinely excited about writing while learning more about history every day.


In Reading, we have been learning to identify and interpret figurative language.  Each day we start with a figurative language warm-up and it’s been wonderful to see everyone developing their understanding of similes, metaphors, personification and idioms.  We have analysed picture storybooks, passages and even song lyrics to find a range of different types and have started to experiment with writing our own.



In M27 we have also been participating in ‘Survivor’ where we learn to apply learning behaviours in team-based scenarios.  Each week our survivor teams compete and are faced with a series of challenges which require respect, responsibility and resilience.  Team members need to create strategies, use each other’s strengths and promote inclusion to succeed.  Here are some insights from M27 discussing the benefits of Survivor...

“In Survivor, you have to work with teammates you can’t be mean as you might get voted out” Ava


“In Survivor, you have to use resilience or you will lose.” Owen


“With your team, you decide who takes on the challenge.” Paige


“In Survivor, you have to socialize” Michael


“You have to make sure everyone has a turn.” Ruby K


“We are resilient.” Seth


“You have to be respectful to your teammates.” Ollie


“It lets you use the three R’s.” Sweeti


“Using the strengths of all your teammates, you can succeed.” Farshad