Student Wellbeing

At our school, in a variety of ways, we try to foster a sense of wellbeing and resilience in all of our students.


Our school values of Kindness, Empathy, Gratitude and Critical and Creative Thinking have been at the forefront of discussions surrounding happiness, wellbeing and resilience. Prompting and fostering explicit teaching and implicit reflective discussions, thinking and actions, these values are central in every classroom, assisting the understanding of their importance. Following our involvement in the Resilience Project, another couple of wellbeing priorities became the practice of Mindfulness and Gratitude. Within classrooms children may be involved in activities that promote us to be mindful or ‘in the moment’ such as yoga, meditation, mindful colouring or Circle Time, where children are encouraged to share their thoughts and feelings, understand emotions or share what they are grateful for.  Gratitude Journals are another tool that some classrooms use to reflect on aspects of their lives, not just on themselves.  


Outside of the classrooms there are many other activities that occur to support student wellbeing at Clifton Hill Primary School. Buddy grades are one example of this. Usually the Grade 5s and Preps initially become Buddy grades giving the preps someone they can connect with and seek out in the yard if they need to. This sense of belonging, meeting new people and having friendly and familiar faces in the playground has also expanded to other grades (either from the same or different year levels) buddying up for activities inside or outside, or simply eating lunch together.


Lunch time activities such as: Chess, African Drumming, Peer Activity Leaders (PALS - Grade 6 student led activities with Prep  - Grade 2 students), multiple choirs, music bands, library openings and allowing the children to access the park at lunch time (Grade 1 – 6) are also other opportunities that allow children to feel part of a group within their school community, fostering a strong sense of belonging and wellbeing.  See the "Lunchtime opportunties" article for a detailed list of offerings this year.


Our school assemblies are another wonderful opportunity that enhance wellbeing at our school. These assemblies allow us to gather as a whole school, children, parents and staff to celebrate achievements, listen to children’s experiences, find out about events happening in our school, listen to Megan point out the wonderful experiences she shares with many people and of course, sing together, which is so good for all of our wellbeing!


Vicki Gigliotti

Health and Wellbeing