Students of the week

Term 1 - Week 2

Connor J (FA) - Congratulations on a fantastic start to Foundation Connor .You have shown that you are a kind friend to all with fantastic listening skills. You are a star!

Ryan Mc (FB) - Congratulations on a fantastic start to Foundation Ryan. You are a compassionate and kind friend to all your classmates. Keep it up super star!

Daniel B (FC) - For being a friendly classmate and showing off your brilliant smile all day long. You have made a brilliant start to foundation. Well done super star!

Amelia B & Josephine W(12A) -

Amelia - It has been a pleasure to see Amelia step up and support the new Grade 1s in their                             learning. You have done this without being asked! Well Done!                 

Josephine  - It has been a pleasure to see you step up and support the new Grade 1s around you                  with their learning - without being asked! You have also helped organise the classroom! Well Done!

Artharva T & Ben S(12B) - 

Atharva has shown the values of respect and learning by listening respectfully to his class mates            and teachers and doing his best work in learning time. Great job Artharva!

Ben has shown the values of respect and safety by working very hard to keep our learning                               environment clean. this also makes our learning space safe for everyone.

Lily W (12C) - Congratulations Lilly for making a fantastic start to the new school year. You are a great listener and a wonderful role model to your peers.

Felix M (12D) - For showing the school values of Respect and Friendship: Felix comes to school eagerly each day and is a pleasure to be around. He shows respect to others by listening intently and being a friend to all. We feel so lucky to have him as a respectful, kind member of 1/2D.

Rory D & Zak F(12E) - 

- Rory  is a fantastic role model who consistently demonstrates all of the school values! He supports and encourages all his classmates and has taken it upon himself to take great care of our new student. We are so lucky to have such a thoughtful and kind member in 1/2E, amazing start to the year!

- Zak has come to school with a positive attitude and bright smile everyday. He has made lots of new friends and settled in so well. It is lovely to see him engage with learning tasks and collaborative group work enthusiastically. We are so lucky to have you at Monty!

Dylan H (34A) - What a great start to the year Dylan, you have shown such an enthusiatic attitude towards your learning! Well done, keep it up superstar!

Jennara B (34B) -  Jennara displays a thoughtful and creative approach to her learning at all times. What a great start to 3/4B!

Sari D (34C) -  Sari continuously displays a positive attitude towards her learning and takes pride in the work she produces. What a fantastic start to the year!

Kaelan R (34D) - This week, Kaelan approached all tasks with enthusiasm and optimism. He thoughtfully reflected on his strengths and areas for future improvement during his holiday recount. What a start to the year!

Maeve L (56A) - Learning - Maeve has demonstrated a positive and enthusiastic start to her year in grade 5. We are lucky to have her share her imaginative ideas with us!

Indigo S (56B) - FRIENDSHIP- Indigo has made an outstanding start to the year. She is open, compassionate and a great friend to all her classmates!