From the Principal's Desk

A Message From Mr Hyde
Today we received a beautiful box of organic fruits and vegetables from the PFA along with a lovely card. It couldn't have come at a better time as supplies were running low. Actually we have just purchased a juicer which is the flavour of the month at our place at the moment. So from all of us... thank you. It's humbling to think that we have the love and support of so many people during this lengthy process. And thank you for the beautiful words on the card...again, very humbling.
I can see that you have lots of things in the pipeline. I keep a pretty close eye on what's been happening and Jane, Debbie and I keep in regular contact.
I am yet to visit everyone in person as that would be a bit too overwhelming for me at this stage but everyone is in my thoughts everyday.
My progress is as expected... a few setbacks along the way. Surgically everything is going to plan. Currently I'm four weeks in to a six and a half week course of daily radiation and 3-weekly chemo so as you can imagine they are taking their toll a bit and obviously extend the recovery period. But knowing we are in the thoughts and prayers of so many people gives us the strength needed for everything thrown our way. So thank you to everyone for your support.
Kind regards
Anthony Hyde
Save the Date
Friday 14th September 5:00 pm to 9:00pm
The PFA is organising a combined fundraiser and social event for our school community. Funds raised from this event will support Mr Anthony Hyde during this very difficult time.
Funtopia in Maidstone has been booked for the evening so Corpus Christi School can enjoy jumping, playing and climbing! We encourage you all to come along in support of Mr Hyde and to meet up with new friends.
More details to follow next week. Stayed tuned to this space!!
PFA Meeting
The next PFA meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 21st August at 7:00pm . Please come along as we will be making plans for the upcoming Fathers' Day Breakfast and Funtopia!
School Improvement Parent Surveys
Thank you to the parents who have completed their surveys either online or via the paper version. Just a reminder that the surveys need to be completed by Friday 24th August.
Cyber Safety Parent Session
Date: Monday 20th of August
Time: 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
Location: Corpus Christi Community Hall
Please read our E-Learning page for all the details
Please note that if parents need to bring their children along to the evening we will have staff available to supervise them while parents attend the session.
Have a wonderful week.
God bless
Jane Wilkinson
Acting Principal