Year 12

It’s that time of the year. Temperatures begin to decrease and alongside this, motivation levels dwindle! Nearing the end of Term 2, completing Unit 3 content and VCAL projects, it goes without saying that we Year 12 students needed a reboot. From transitions between circuit breaker lockdowns and onsite learning, establishing solid study and wellbeing routines came at no ease. However, Year 12 students were enthusiastic in their return to the College as they could reunite with friends and see their teachers face-to-face. 


Last Tuesday, our amazing Level Leader, Ms Wallace, delivered a fervent presentation on how it was time to ‘Pump it Up’. Ms Wallace’s presentation focused on motivation; how and why we need it, how it can fluctuate and how we can counter the occasional unmotivated feelings associated with Year 12. Her presentation also explored the significance of figuring out what drives each of us to succeed. Additionally, it set a positive and inspiring mood for our return to face-to-face learning. 


Ms Wallace brought to light common reasons that cause people to feel unmotivated. These included: feeling stressed and overwhelmed, focusing on the negative, burning out mentally and physically and being too contented with life. However, what followed these common reasons was critical. Solutions! By breaking work into chunks, backing yourself, setting more challenging goals and being conscious of thoughts are all beneficial ways to counter fluctuating feelings of motivation. 

Year 12 students also received a presentation which highlighted the importance of ‘Studying smarter, not harder’. This presentation highlighted how critical it was to move you phone out of sight and be proactive when studying. 


What I personally took away from these presentations about ‘Pumping it up’ and ‘Studying smarter, not harder’ is that I tend to search for that feeling of relief. To address this, I have been proactive and now chose to switch that desired ‘relief feeling’ into one of accomplishment. I did this by formulating the question ‘How can I search for that feeling of accomplishment?’. 


On an exciting note, talks about Year 12 jumpers, yearbook and video were also of discussion this week. Many students are currently signing up to each committee which will plan, personalise and present to the Class of 2021. Very exciting things to come


Ashleigh Clark

Year 12


In our Pastoral Period on Tuesday 8 June, we were provided with a powerful and inspiring presentation by our Level Leader, Ms Wallace. We are so fortunate to continuously be given opportunities where we can grow in our approaches to study and work toward achieving our academic goals. 


With the new COVID-19 restrictions that we have been faced with this year and in 2020, it has been very difficult to find motivation and the drive to maintain a positive attitude. Students tend to let negative self-talk get in the way and start avoiding work when they feel overwhelmed and stressed. 


Ms Wallace has helped change this mindset by reinforcing and introducing various strategies that we can implement to improve in our work ethic. These include using a vision board to remind ourselves of our goals and aspirations, finding the driving force to wake up in the morning, to ask ourselves the question ‘What makes me feel motivated today?’, as well as having regular study breaks, which can help rejuvenate students to focus back on their studies.


This presentation helped me to remind myself of my internal drive to achieve my set goals this year and always remember to ‘work smarter and not harder’.


Zara Boyadjian 

Year 12