Wellbeing and Engagement 

It has been wonderful to have our Year 11 and 12 students back onsite this week and we are very much looking forward to welcoming back all our students tomorrow.  We have been very impressed with the resilience, positivity and can-do attitude that our entire community has demonstrated throughout this recent lockdown period. It is testament to our community’s ability to adapt and evolve, embrace learning and teaching in a variety of forms, prioritise relationships and support the health and wellbeing of all.


Supporting students' mental health and wellbeing

COVID-19 has had an impact on student mental health and wellbeing.  This year, we are seeing a number of students experiencing heightened levels of anxiety and self-reporting depressive symptoms. This reflects the widespread effects of uncertainty and health-related fears that our community is experiencing.  To support our students with their mental health and wellbeing, positive psychology principles, including positive coping strategies, have been incorporated into our pastoral care program. We have also increased resources in our counselling team and facilitated several intervention programs including, ‘Connections through Art’ (Year 8 and 10) and ‘Managing Stress and Anxiety Workshops’ (Years 10 to 12).  We are currently planning the support systems that we will put in place during Term 3 to support our students’ wellbeing.


If your daughter is experiencing a deterioration in her mental health or overall wellbeing, could you please contact her Level Leader or a member of our counselling team to discuss support options as soon as practicable.


During 2020, the Department of Education and training (DET) developed a range of resources to help support student mental health and wellbeing.  This includes wellbeing activities and conversation starters for parents of school-aged children.


Wellbeing activities and conversation starters for parents of primary school children.

Wellbeing activities and conversation starters for parents of secondary school children. 

Parent Seminar Series – Body Confident Teens

There are so many confusing messages around weight and health, even adults can end up struggling with their own body image.  This makes it easy to understand why it can be difficult for parents and carers to know how to support their child’s body confidence as they move through childhood and adolescence.

The College has secured the services of the ‘Butterfly Foundation’ who will deliver a webinar to our parent community on Monday 21 June at 7.00pm.  Further details will be emailed to all families early shortly.


Stephanie Smyth

Assistant Principal: 

Wellbeing and Engagement