Learning and Teaching

Celebrating all that is Good with Joy and Gratitude

As we once again welcome all girls back to onsite learning, we are grateful for the wonderful community that we belong to, a community who support one another and care for one another through all circumstances.


Academic Tutoring Program

Now that we are all back to onsite learning, the Academic Tutoring program is once again available in the Library after school until 5.00pm (Monday to Thursday). This is open for all students, and you are encouraged to make the most of the opportunity to seek support and assistance with your studies and utilise the Library and the resources available.


Elevate Education – Parent Webinar Series

Unfortunately, the Year 7 Elevate session was postponed this week due to remote learning. Once a new date has been set this will be communicated with students.

The upcoming Parent Workshop has been moved to an online platform, so you can join us from the warmth of your own home.

Upcoming Elevate sessions:


Parent Workshop

Tuesday 15 June

Year 11 and Year 12 Parent Seminar

Venue: Onsite – ONLINE

Time: 7.00pm to 8.00pm

ZOOM Webinar Link


Meeting ID: 873 4329 7855

Passcode: Elevate1


Wednesday 16 June 

Stress and Wellbeing

Time: 7.00pm to 8.00pm



Semester One Examinations

Semester One examinations are underway. A reminder for students to read their timetables carefully and take into account the 15 minutes reading time that is allocated before the start of the writing time for each exam. Students were emailed with instructions on finding the seating plans on SIMON.


Students can access the relevant ‘Exam Navigator’ and the examination timetable on SIMON in the ‘Exam Timetable and Resources’ folder under ‘Student Links’


Jane Ward

Assistant Principal: 

Learning and Teaching