Helping Others, Aboriginal Artefacts and and Playground Fun

No Uniform Day
Our No Uniform Day was initiated by Gaye in the office and then taken on by the SRC (Student Representative Council). The reason for this day was to support Stewart House (an institution that has for many decades supported students in need). Anyone who decided not to wear their uniform on the day was asked to donate (at least) a gold coin to support Stewart House.
What a great response! The students dressed in capes, fairy dresses, as jaguars or just wore comfy clothes. Through our community support we raised $51 for Stewart House. The bonus we gained from this thoughtfulness was that someone in our community could win a holiday from Stewart House! Fingers crossed!
Thank you for your support and thank you Myrtle (SRC Secretary) for filling out all the Stewart House forms.
Aboriginal Studies
Uncle Elliot visits the school on Wednesdays and each week he shares his language and cultural knowledge with us. The sharing of the Aboriginal culture by one of the descendants of the First Nations people of our country is a privilege.
This week Uncle Elliot shared some artefacts with us. He showed us digging and fire making tools that were made by his ancestors and that were discovered in the local area. The children were very interested in the history and significance of the tools and we had some very informative discussions.
Playground Action!
We recently acquired two ping pong tables through an initiative of the Student Representative Council. Gaye and Sherrell kindly accepted a small donation from the SRC and let us have their old ping pong tables and equipment. Sherrell was kind enough to transport the tables from Lismore to the school late one night! Thank you so much for that!
The students are really enjoying using the tables and the competition is fierce! We also rediscovered Totem Tennis last week. The potential of being hit by the flying balls is certainly improving our hand eye co-ordination skills!