Art, Reading and Sport

Art with K - 2
Mrs Cecil has been doing a unit of work in Art that is all about flowers. The children have been using different techniques to create various flowers. For example, the hydrangeas above were done with bubbles! The results are beautiful, as you can see above.
Simultaneous Reading
Last week we participated in Simultaneous Reading. This is an initiative of the National Simultaneous Storytime and is held annually by the Australian Library and Information Association. Schools all around Australia joined in with this event.
We watched an astronaut, who was actually floating around in a space station, as she read the story Give Me Some Space! It was a really great experience and yes, she was in space and we knew because her ponytail was floating as she read! She also did some pretty good gymnastic tricks (ask Kyesha and Kirra for confirmation, because they know a lot about gymnastics!)
Cross Country
We are all so proud of Issi and Marshall who represented our school at the Zone Cross Country event a couple of weeks ago. It was amazing that any of our students were even able to participate at the next level, particularly coming from a school of 22 students when other schools have much larger numbers. They really should feel so proud of themselves!
So, what happens next? Well, Issi, who was placed fourth, progresses to the next level! On Monday, 7th June Issi has been invited to attend the North Coast Primary Schools Cross Country Championship. This will be held at the Lismore Turf Club on the 7th of June. That is an amazing achievement, particularly when many of the girls at this level have been in training for years.
We wish you all the best Issi! What a wonderful thing to have the opportunity to reveal your potential.