
We would just like to thank the community for giving up their Sunday to attend the Buildings & Grounds working bee!

It was fantastic to come back to school on Monday and see the impact that a group of passionate community members can have.

A big thank you to Tim, Jason and Craig for their organisation and running a great event!



Welcome To Country and Community Weaving + Open Garden Celebration

Saturday 5th June, 2:00 - 4:00pm

Newlands Neighbourhood House, 20 Murray Road, Coburg North


Join us for a Welcome to Country, with a Smoking Ceremony, and to share in the celebration for the end of our Weaving & Yarning series - participants of this series will share their traditional weaving skills with the community, and share a woven gift for the community. This event will also celebrate the new community garden at Newlands Neighbourhood House. What a great way to celebrate World Environment Day! This is part of the Community Climate Action Series, co-run by local groups Newlands Parents for Climate Action (NP4CA) and Neighbours United for Climate Action (NUCA). Wherever possible, these sessions are free and family-friendly, and they run twice per month during the school term. 


This event is free but spots are limited so register here.