Grade 4/5/6

It has been another wonderful week!


Everyone in the 4/5/6 area has done an amazing job in all the recent academic, social and sports events at Newlands Primary School.


Another week has passed and our school leaders have continued doing well conducting the school tours, presenting the instructional model, keystones and values to visitors and potential parents around Newlands. We admire their collaboration and care for Newlands!



On Monday 17th, Newlands Primary School celebrated IDAHOBIT (International Day Against LGBTQIA + Discrimination). Everyone dressed in colourful clothes to celebrate our differences and right to equality. The 4/5/6 area received a visit from Hannah Tai,…, who gave a quick lesson about the different pride flags and the meaning of their colours. Later, students had the opportunity to choose the colours for the design of their flags. We danced, roleplayed different situations, reflected on our values and had an incredible day celebrating all together. It was great to see everyone actively involved in such an eventful day for our school community.




Finally, after a few busy weeks doing the NAPLAN test, our grade 5s have finished it. Congratulations on your hard work completing the test! Also, we would like to specially thank the NAPLAN team (Señora Karren, Señorita Lexie and Graeme) for all their hard work. 



Every Friday, the 4/5/6s are participating in the interschool sports. It has been an exciting time for the school as our Netball, AFL and soccer teams are striving to show how great they can be in the field. Last Friday, the Netball team won its first game and we cannot be prouder of this achievement as well as all the effort they put into the games. 



Last but not least… the 4/5/6s have done a fantastic job in completing their F&F reading assessments. They all showed incredible responsibility and care while doing their assessments as well as collaboration at the moment of recording their answers.