Chaplain's Corner
Hi MPS Community
We have made it! End of Term 2 2021. It has certainly been a full term and I have enjoyed supporting staff, students and community through all the bumps and roadblocks. You are all brave and inspiring to me.
Over the holidays I take the time doing activities with my 3 boys, catching up on housework and reflecting on term 2 and preparing for term 3. I certainly enjoy the break between the terms. I personally keep things very simple as my own boys need time to rest.
This Monday lunch time I brought out the chalk drawing and hand ball activity for the first time this term. It reminded me of why the students and I love this activity as part of my lunch program. Fresh air, creativity and time to just be ourselves.
A huge thank you to the P&C for having me at your meeting on Monday night. You do a great job and are very passionate about our school and its community. These meetings are a great chance to see what is happening around the school and have input into events and activities. I know they would love to have more members join so please give this some thought.
Finally. I have a few resources that I access myself regularly to do with mental health awareness, cyber safety and children. These are fantastic resources for school, parents and carers. There are links for children as well.
Enjoy the last week of term and have a safe and warm holiday break. See you in term 3.
Tammy Bija
School Chaplain
Monday and Friday