Principal's Message
Welcome to the last newsletter for term 3. It definitely has been a long term, with one more week than usual. I'm not sure about you, but the colder weather is not helping either. Luckily all our classes, wet areas and offices have heating, meaning all students and staff stay nice and warm once they are here at school.
I encourage you, although it's a bit darker in the morning and a bit colder, that all children should be at school every day unless, of course, they are unwell. Our whole school attendance is pretty good, but could always be better! Well done and keep working with us to ensure positive outcomes for your children.
Semester One Attendance
Staffing Update #1
As previously mentioned, Mrs Allen our PE Specialist is stepping down from her role at the end of term to focus on other opportunities. Mr Mihal will be permanently taking over the position as of Term 3. There is a handover being completed this week, with Mr Mihal joining us until Friday to meet students and staff.
I thank Mrs Allen for her wonderful commitment to our school and for all the time and effort she has put into making Marangaroo a great place to be. Thank you and best of luck for the future.
Staffing Update #2
Mr Malanczak, Deputy Principal will be on long service leave for the remainder of the year. Mr Cutting will be stepping into the role at the beginning of term 3. I am working on finding a suitable replacement to fill the teaching role in the Emu's classroom.
Timetable 3 Trial
As of term 3, we are trialing a new format for our daily structure. Learning periods are being extended to 45 minutes each, with the addition of crunch n sip, and eating time for lunch will now be after the students play. This change has been made to accommodate extra industrial arrangements for teachers planning time and also to ensure students are eating properly. I will keep you updated about how this looks in future newsletters.
I look forward to seeing you at the last assembly for the term next Friday.
Taylor Webb