Welcome to
The M Chat Issue 8
Messages from the Front Office
Welcome to
The M Chat Issue 8
Messages from the Front Office
Marangaroo PS are now accepting enrolments for 2022 kindergarten students. If your child was born between 1 July 2017 to 30 June 2018 then they are eligible to commence kindy in 2022. The application package can be collected from the front office or downloaded from our school website.
All applications and supporting documentation should be emailed to Marangaroo.PS@education.wa.edu.au or brought directly to the front office. Please ensure that you refer to the checklists and provide all mandatory documentation. Applications for enrolment can not be accepted if the required documentation is not provided or if enrolment forms are incomplete or unsigned.
All current Kindergarten students must enrol for Pre-primary. Enrolment forms will be provided to all our Kindy students before the end of term. Please return them to the office as soon as possible. If you are not returning to MPS next year, can you please notify the front office.
If you have changed any of your personal details could you please advise the front office so that we can update student records. It is important that you notify us as soon as details change for yourself or any of the individuals that you have authorised to collect your child.
The Department of Education regulations require an explanation, either verbal, a dated note or a medical certificate (for more than 2 days) to cover a student's absence from school. Absence notifications can be sent to the school through the MGM Text messaging service by texting 0447 897 159with a brief reason for the absence and the students name, or by emailing Marangaroo.PS@education.wa.edu.au
Please do not email staff directly as attendance records may not be updated within time requirements if staff are absent or unable to check their emails.
Students with colds and or flu like symptoms or an upset stomach should not be sent to school. Please keep them home to alleviate spreading the germ to other students and staff.
Just a reminder that when students arrive after the morning siren please ensure they come through the office so that they are marked in attendance. If students are being collected at any point during the day, parents must also come to the office to collect the student.
With the cooler weather students have started to wear their zip up jackets. Many of these are brand new and the front office has had numerous calls already regarding students not coming home with their jackets. Please ensure that all your children's clothing is labelled so that items can be returned to their rightful owner.